Hierbas Naturales pérdida de peso son la opción más segura para recuperar el control de su peso. Normalmente, un hombre necesita 2,500 calorías y la mujer promedio sólo 2000 calorías por día, pero el exceso de peso es el resultado de diversos factores, incluyendo la ingesta excesiva de calorías que se puede controlar con el consumo de ciertas hierbas o productos hechos con ellos.La restricción de su dieta en exceso no es una solución, porque su cuerpo cambia al modo de emergencia y convierte la mayoría de los alimentos en grasa como una salvaguardia contra el hambre. De esta manera el cuerpo utiliza sus reservas de proteínas, por ejemplo en los músculos, y los más pequeños reciben la más baja su tasa metabólica.En el lado opuesto, las hierbas para bajar de peso aumentar el metabolismo de su cuerpo, mejorar la salud se deterioró como resultado de malos hábitos de alimentación o dietas de hambre, que inhiben el metabolismo haciendo que el organismo para destruir su tejido muscular, mientras que la conservación de sus reservas de grasa.Las setas tienen diversos de apoyo y acciones para reducir el colesterol en la pérdida de peso, pero muchas otras hierbas tienen propiedades específicas que pueden ayudarle a lograr su objetivo de deshacerse de la grasa en su cuerpo muy rápido, como bien se sabe Ginseng estimula el metabolismo y la energía, además de muchas propiedades medicinales, pero hay una gran variedad de hierbas auxiliares para reducir grasas y mantener su peso ideal.A través de estudios relativamente recientes investigaciones encontraron que los gránulos de las semillas enteras de Psyllium (Plantago ovata) consumidos con agua antes de cada comida puede causar la reducción espontánea en el consumo de calorías y grasas, aumentando la sensación de satisfacción, medida como "sensación de plenitud" de hasta tres horas después de la ingesta de las comidas.Gymnema silvestre es un tratamiento ayurvédico para la diabetes, y es bien sabido que beber el té o masticar las hojas le ayudará a eliminar la capacidad de probar el azúcar durante varias horas. Esto es útil para evitar la ingesta de calorías en su dieta.También se utiliza en tratamientos ayurvédicos, Garcinia cambogia suprime el apetito de la inhibición de una enzima implicada en la conversión de carbohidratos en grasa en los mamíferos, como algas marinas ayuda a reducir la celulitis mediante la estimulación de la glándula tiroides laminaria y sargazo.Polygonum multiflorum, o Ho Shou Wu o Para Ti se dice que ayuda a disminuir el colesterol en la prevención de la penetración de las grasas en las paredes arteriales.Harina de konjac raíz se obtiene de los tubérculos de varias especies de Amorphophallus como la fibra dietética soluble similar a la pectina en la estructura y funciones de pérdida de peso, control y mantenimiento de peso más adelante.Popular hierbas ayudar en la lucha contra el sobrepeso son Guaraná y Kola Nut, tanto de alta en cafeína para aumentar la termogénesis.Hierbas Desintoxicación - Estos se suelen incluir en las fórmulas para eliminar las toxinas del cuerpo, mientras que la dieta y para ayudar a una mejor función del metabolismo.Otra hierba creciendo en popularidad es la Hoja de banaba, que también es ampliamente utilizado en la medicina ayurvédica para bajar de peso, así como uno de los auxiliares más eficaces en el tratamiento de la diabetes.Onagra parece ser eficaz para reducir el colesterol y el exceso de peso, sobre todo en aquellas personas que no procesan las grasas efectivamente.La efedra, también conocido por su nombre chino de Ma Huang, es un derivado de la planta de hoja perenne, que es un efedrina naturales disponibles legalmente en los suplementos nutricionales, energizantes y té dietético, pero ahora prohibido en los Estados Unidos, pero aún disponibles en muchas tiendas hasta que se agoten las existencias a cabo.La efedrina es una hierba que ayuda termogénico originalmente se utiliza para aliviar los síntomas del asma por su broncodilatador que estimula la termogénesis causando que las glándulas suprarrenales para descargar adrenalina en el torrente sanguíneo, el aumento de la temperatura corporal y gastando más calorías.Una vez recibido un número creciente de informes relacionados con las reacciones adversas asociadas con el uso de la efedra, ninguna productos que contienen efedra es ilegal para la venta sin receta médica-por los EE.UU. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) desde abril 12, 2004.Popular que se usa como una hierba para bajar de peso, Stevia, es un notable hierba dulce sin calorías, nativa de Paraguay y se utiliza como edulcorante y potenciador del sabor de siglos, sino también bajo la mirada de los Estados Unidos en los últimos años debido a las acciones de los EE.UU. Food and Drug Administration, objeto de allanamientos y decomisos, las quejas del comercio y los embargos a la importación, manipulados a veces por la FDA como si se tratara de una droga ilegal.
the t o : here

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Sunday, November 7, 2010
Kräuter für Weight Loss
Natural Weight Loss Kräuter sind die sicherere Option, um wieder die Kontrolle über Ihr Gewicht. Typischerweise wird eine männliche Bedürfnisse 2500 Kalorien und die durchschnittliche weibliche nur 2000 Kalorien pro Tag, aber das Übergewicht ist das Ergebnis vieler Faktoren, einschließlich übermäßiger Kalorienaufnahme, dass mit dem Verzehr von bestimmten Kräutern oder Produkte mit ihnen gemacht gesteuert werden kann.Beschränken Sie Ihre Ernährung übermäßig ist keine Lösung, weil Ihr Körper schaltet auf Notbetrieb und konvertiert die meisten Ihrer Nahrung in Fett als vor Hunger zu schützen. So wird auch Ihr Körper nutzt seine Protein gespeichert, zum Beispiel in den Muskeln, und die kleineren bekommen sie die untere Ihre metabolische Rate.Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite, erhöhen Gewichtsverlust Kräuter Ihr Stoffwechsel des Körpers, Verbesserung der Gesundheit verschlechterte sich aufgrund schlechter Ernährungsgewohnheiten oder Hungerkuren, dass die Stoffwechselrate den Körper anregt, seine mageren Muskelgewebe zerstören bei gleichzeitiger Schonung der Filialen von Fett zu unterdrücken.Pilze haben abwechslungsreiches und Cholesterin-senkende Maßnahmen bei der Gewichtsabnahme, sondern viele andere Kräuter haben spezifische Eigenschaften, die Ihnen zu helfen Ihr Ziel zu erreichen kann der Extra-Fett in Ihrem Körper ziemlich schnell loswerden, weil es gut ist wissen Ginseng regt den Stoffwechsel und Energie, abgesehen von vielen anderen medizinischen Eigenschaften, aber es gibt eine Reihe von Kräutern Hilfsdienstleistungen Fette reduzieren und halten Sie Ihr Idealgewicht.Durch relativ neueren Studien erforscht, dass Granulate aus der ganzen Samen von Psyllium (Plantago ovata) verbraucht mit Wasser vor jeder Mahlzeit kann die spontane Reduktion des Verbrauchs von Kalorien und Fetten verursachen, wodurch das Gefühl der Befriedigung, als "Fülle Sensation" gemessen so lange wie drei Stunden nach der Einnahme von Mahlzeiten.Gymnema Sylvestre ist eine ayurvedische Behandlung von Diabetes, und es ist bekannt, dass das Trinken von Tee oder das Kauen der Blätter wird Ihnen helfen, unterdrücken die Fähigkeit, Zucker für mehrere Stunden kosten. Dies ist nützlich, um die Aufnahme von zusätzlichen Kalorien in der Ernährung zu vermeiden.Auch in der ayurvedischen Behandlungen verwendet wird, unterdrückt Garcinia cambogia den Appetit hemmt ein Enzym bei der Umwandlung von Kohlenhydraten in Fett bei Säugetieren beteiligt, wie Algen hilft gegen Cellulite durch die Stimulierung der Schilddrüse Laminaria und Sargassum reduzieren.Polygonum multiflorum oder Ho Shou Wu oder für Ti sagte zur Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels verhindern das Eindringen von Fetten in der arteriellen Futter helfen.Mehl von Konjakwurzel ist aus Knollen verschiedener Arten von Amorphophallus als lösliche Ballaststoffe ähnlich in Struktur und Funktionen zur Gewichtsreduktion, Kontrolle und später Gewichtsstabilisierung Pektin gewonnen.Beliebte Kräuter im Kampf helfen gegen Übergewicht Sie sind Guarana und Kolanuss, beide hoch in Koffein verwendet, um die Thermogenese erhöhen.Entgiftung Kräuter - Diese werden üblicherweise in Formeln enthalten, um zu befreien den Körper von Giftstoffen während der Diät und den Stoffwechsel besser funktionieren zu helfen.Ein weiteres Kraut steigender Beliebtheit ist Banaba Blatt, das auch weit verbreitet ist in der ayurvedischen Medizin zur Gewichtsabnahme eingesetzt, sowie eines der wirksamsten Hilfsmittel bei der Behandlung von Diabetes.Nachtkerzen scheint wirksam zu sein, Cholesterin und Übergewicht zu reduzieren, insbesondere in jenen Personen, die nicht wollen, Fette Prozess wirksam.Ephedra, auch von seinem chinesischen Namen Ma Huang bekannt, ist eine immergrüne Pflanze Derivat, das eine natürliche Ephedrin Verfügung rechtlich in Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, Energizer, und diätetische Tees ist, aber jetzt in den Vereinigten Staaten verboten, aber immer noch in vielen Geschäften bis zur Erschöpfung der Vorräte heraus.Ephedrin ist ein Kraut thermogene Beihilfe ursprünglich zur Asthma-Symptome durch seine bronchodilatatorische dass Thermogenese wodurch die Nebennieren Adrenalin auf in die Blutbahn Dump stimuliert zu entlasten, erhöht die Körpertemperatur und Verausgabung mehr Kalorien.Nach erhielt eine zunehmende Zahl von Berichten zu unerwünschten Reaktionen mit Ephedra Verwendung findet, wird keine Artikel mit Ephedra für Over-the-counter Verkauf von der US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seit 12. April 2004 illegal.Beliebte verwendet als Kraut zur Gewichtsabnahme, Stevia, ist ein bemerkenswertes süß kalorienfreie Kraut, ursprünglich aus Paraguay und als Süßungsmittel und Geschmacksverstärker für Jahrhunderte, sondern auch unter dem Blick der Vereinigten Staaten in den letzten Jahren wegen der Aktionen der US- Food and Drug Administration, vorbehaltlich der Durchsuchungen und Beschlagnahmen, Handel Beschwerden und Embargos für die Einfuhr, mal von der FDA als wäre es eine illegale Droge behandelt.
the t o : here
the t o : here
Friday, October 8, 2010
Nature’s Nutrition - Asparagus
Asparagus is a perennial plant that requires special cultivation. Early in the spring, its sprouts can be harvested and eaten, while later in the season, the developing flowers may be consumed in a manner similar to corn on the cob.
Asparagus is rich in protein, fiber and vitamins - especially vitamins B1, B2 and C. Some of the health benefits of asparagus include maintenance of the kidneys and urinary tract and cleansing of the digestive system. Pharmacological and clinical research also indicates that asparagus has an antibiotic effect. Recently, asparagus has been employed by herbalists in the treatment of rheumatism and edema arising from heart failure.
the t o : http://nutritional-immunology.com/natures-nutrition-asparagus/
Asparagus Cochinchinensis
Asparagus Cochinchinensis (chin. : tiānméndōng 天門冬) - (latin: Tuber asparagi Cochinensis ) it is a perennial plant that flourishes mostly in China, Japan and Korea. Tian Men Dong actually translates to “Lush Winter Aerial Plant”. This species has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for over 2,000 years It flowers around May to June while the seeds ripen on September. Can reach a height up to 1.5m. The flowers can be either male or female but only one sex is found on each plant individually. It has a preference to well drained medium ( loamy ) and heavy ( clay ) soils. However, it can grow in semi-shade or no shade.
The edible parts of the plant are its fruit and roots. Its texture is soft and sticky in texture whereas its taste is sweet and bitter. The tubers are up to 5cm long and 2m wide comprising the major part used in traditional medicine. Usually it is dug up in autumn and winter. At first, the tubers are washed to remove bitterness, and then the fibrous core is removed and is root is put to boil. The taste is similar to the commonly used Asparagus. In some cases tubers are eaten after preserving in sugar. The fruit is said to be edible (6 - 8mm in diameter ), but the berries in a report were proven to be harmful. The dried root is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic, antitussive, diuretic, expectorant, nervine, sialagogue, stomachic, nervous stimulant and tonic. It is taken internally in the treatment of fevers, debility, sore throats, coughs, tuberculosis and bronchitis. Also used as a purifier for detox. Except for its use in traditional Chinese medicine the plant is also used as insecticide because it exterminates the larvae of flies and mosquitoes.
Active ingredients and mechanism The edible parts of the plant are its fruit and roots. Its texture is soft and sticky in texture whereas its taste is sweet and bitter. The tubers are up to 5cm long and 2m wide comprising the major part used in traditional medicine. Usually it is dug up in autumn and winter. At first, the tubers are washed to remove bitterness, and then the fibrous core is removed and is root is put to boil. The taste is similar to the commonly used Asparagus. In some cases tubers are eaten after preserving in sugar. The fruit is said to be edible (6 - 8mm in diameter ), but the berries in a report were proven to be harmful. The dried root is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antiseptic, antitussive, diuretic, expectorant, nervine, sialagogue, stomachic, nervous stimulant and tonic. It is taken internally in the treatment of fevers, debility, sore throats, coughs, tuberculosis and bronchitis. Also used as a purifier for detox. Except for its use in traditional Chinese medicine the plant is also used as insecticide because it exterminates the larvae of flies and mosquitoes.
Most of the therapeutic properties of Asparagus are attributed to Asparagin. The blame is put to this ingredient for the characteristic odour in the urine after consuming the herb. The exact mechanism of Asparagin is not fully known. It also contains b-sitosterol, which is used in treating benign prostate hyperplasia.
The sprouts contain wax and calcium, iron, potassium and chlorophyll. The latter possesses strong antioxidant properties.
High in polysaccharides ,vitamin E, flavonoids such as rutin , kaempferol, quercetin and inulin.It is not the scope of this post to analyze how those ingredients work but we will mention some of their benefits. Flavonoids are powerful antioxidants which neutrilize by-products of metabolism named free radicals. These substances enhance the immune system and ease the absorption of vitamins. Rutin is a very powerful antioxidant which is used for people with low vision or eye conditions like macular degeneration. Quercetin works in synergy with vitamins by boosting their effects ( especially vitamin C). Moreover, it said to have mild anti-histamine action and is used for soothing some of the symptoms of hayfever. Inulin is a very potent fibre (ideal for those who suffer from constipation), which is also used for reducing cholesterol levels.
This herb is used mainly in traditional Chinese medicine for the clearing lung and kidney channels. It clears lung heat,treats dry mouth, fever, aversion to wind and cold, chest pain, and hemoptysis or blood streaked sputum. For dry cough, cough with scanty sticky sputum, or cough with blood streaked sputum and difficult to expectorate.
It generates fluids and moistens dryness. Ideal for wasting and thirsting disorder. For thirst, muscle wasting, consumptive cough with blood streaked sputum, low grade or afternoon fevers, constipation and dry stools.
Tuber Asparagi Cochinensis is used in clinical research along with Bulbus Lilii (Bai He), Radix Glehniae Littoralis (Sha Shen) in lung cancer when a dry thorat and/ constipation appear. One packet of these medicinals was decocted in water and administered hot orally in three divided doses per day, morning, noon, and night. It appeared that the rates of radiation-induced esophagitis, bronchitis, and pneumonitis were markedly lower in the treatment group than the comparison group. Based on these findings, it was the author’s conclusion that treatment with Chinese medicinals based on pattern discrimination along with standard radiation therapy can achieve significantly better short-term survival rates and better local control of tumors with less side effects than radiation alone.
Laboratory studies presented that Astragalus can increase can increase the clearance rate of charcoal particles and the weight of immune organs (in mice), and thus helps to facilitate their antifatigue, anoxia tolerance, analgesia and memory improvement, as well as decrease the contents of lipid peroxide (LPO) in plasma, liver and brain.
Another research states that the herb’s active ingredients may inhibit TNF-alpha (turmor necrosis factor) secretion by inhibiting IL-1 secretion and they may have antiinflammatory activity in the central nervous system. The results showed that it was no pertinence between content of sarsaspogenin with the other Asparagus species.The content of sarsasapogenin in the tuberous roots of Asparagus Cochinchinensis was inverse ratio with the commercial grande in same species.
Used along with other herbs during ac chemotherapy for breast cancer.
The herb is also used in diabetes, malignant lymphoma, migraine headaches, systemic lupus erythmatosus and multiple sclerosis. Nonetheless, research on treating those conditions is very limited. Also used, as a base ingredient in phytoestrogen supplements.
Dose and administration
As clinical research is limited on the dosage you should consult a professional healthcare provider for appropriate dosage.
Texts mention the use of root/tuber in decoction form (60grams in a litre of water) or herbal extract in a dose of 1-4grams daily.
Since it is a nervous stimulant it should be avoided by people with neurosis and/ hysteria as it may cause insomnia.
Cold due to deficiency of spleen and stomach with loss of appetite and diarrhoea; cough due to wind-cold
Women who are pregnant or wish to be, should refrain from taking Asparagus long term, because this could inadvertently induce abortion. Sad to mention, but Hsia-p’u Hsien Hospital in Fukien Province use it as a cervical dilator to induce abortion.
As with all herbs and supplements, do not attempt any, if you are on any medication, unless you consult your GP first.
the t o : http://www.newsfinder.org/site/more/asparagus_cochinchinensis/
Friday, September 24, 2010
Herbs for Weight Loss
Natural Weight Loss Herbs are the safer option to regaining control of your weight. Typically a male needs 2500 calories and the average female only 2000 calories per day, but the excess weight is the result of diverse factors, including excessive calorie intake that may be controlled with the consumption of certain herbs or products made with them.
Restricting your diet excessively is not a solution, because your body switches to emergency mode and converts most of your food into fat as a safeguard against starvation. This way your body uses its protein stores, for example in your muscles, and the smaller they get the lower your metabolic rate.
On the opposite side, weight loss herbs increase your body's metabolism, enhancing deteriorated health resulting from poor eating habits, or starvation diets, that suppress the metabolic rate causing the body to destroy its lean muscle tissue while conserving its stores of fat.
Mushrooms have diverse supporting and cholesterol lowering actions in weight loss but many other herbs have specific properties that may help you out to achieve your goal to get rid of extra fat in your body pretty fast, as it is well know Ginseng stimulates metabolism and energy, apart from many other medicinal properties, but there is an array of herbs auxiliary to reduce fats and maintain your ideal weight.
Through relatively recent studies researches found that granules of the whole seeds of Psyllium (Plantago ovata) consumed with water prior to each meal can cause the spontaneous reduction in the consumption of calories and fats, increasing the feeling of satisfaction, measured as "fullness sensation" for as long as three hours after the intake of meals.
Gymnema sylvestre is an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, and it is well known that drinking the tea or chewing the leaves will help you suppress the ability to taste sugar for several hours. This is useful to avoid the intake of extra calories in your diet.
Also used in Ayurvedic treatments, Garcinia cambogia suppresses the appetite inhibiting an enzyme involved in converting carbohydrates to fat in mammals, as Seaweeds helps to reduce cellulite by stimulating the thyroid gland laminaria and sargassum.
Polygonum multiflorum, or Ho Shou Wu or Fo Ti is said to help lower cholesterol preventing the penetration of fats in the arterial lining.
Flour of Konjac Root is obtained from the tubers of various species of Amorphophallus as soluble dietary fiber similar to pectin in structure and functions for weight loss, control and later weight maintenance.
Popular herbs helping in the fight against you becoming overweight are Guarana and Kola Nut, both high in caffeine used to enhance thermogenesis.
Detoxification Herbs - These are usually included in formulas to rid the body of toxins while dieting and to help metabolism function better.
Another herb rising in popularity is Banaba Leaf, which is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss, as well as one of the most effective auxiliary in the treatment of diabetes.
Evening Primrose seems to be effective to reduce cholesterol and excess weight, particularly in those individuals who do not process fats effectively.
Ephedra, also known by its Chinese name Ma Huang, is an evergreen plant derivative, which is a natural ephedrine available legally in nutritional supplements, energizers, and dietary teas, but now banned in the United States but still available in many stores until stocks run out.
Ephedrine is a thermogenic aid herb originally used to relieve asthma symptoms by its bronchodilating that stimulates thermogenesis causing the adrenal glands to dump epinephrine into the blood stream, increasing body temperature and expending more calories.
After received an increasing number of reports related to adverse reactions associated with ephedra use, any products containing ephedra is illegal for over-the-counter sales by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since April 12, 2004.
Popular used as an herb to weight loss, Stevia, is a remarkable sweet noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay and used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries, but also under the look of the United States in recent years because of actions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, subject of searches and seizures, trade complaints and embargoes on importation, handled at times by the FDA as if it were an illegal drug.
the t o http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/weight-loss-herbs.htm
Restricting your diet excessively is not a solution, because your body switches to emergency mode and converts most of your food into fat as a safeguard against starvation. This way your body uses its protein stores, for example in your muscles, and the smaller they get the lower your metabolic rate.
On the opposite side, weight loss herbs increase your body's metabolism, enhancing deteriorated health resulting from poor eating habits, or starvation diets, that suppress the metabolic rate causing the body to destroy its lean muscle tissue while conserving its stores of fat.
Mushrooms have diverse supporting and cholesterol lowering actions in weight loss but many other herbs have specific properties that may help you out to achieve your goal to get rid of extra fat in your body pretty fast, as it is well know Ginseng stimulates metabolism and energy, apart from many other medicinal properties, but there is an array of herbs auxiliary to reduce fats and maintain your ideal weight.
Through relatively recent studies researches found that granules of the whole seeds of Psyllium (Plantago ovata) consumed with water prior to each meal can cause the spontaneous reduction in the consumption of calories and fats, increasing the feeling of satisfaction, measured as "fullness sensation" for as long as three hours after the intake of meals.
Gymnema sylvestre is an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, and it is well known that drinking the tea or chewing the leaves will help you suppress the ability to taste sugar for several hours. This is useful to avoid the intake of extra calories in your diet.
Also used in Ayurvedic treatments, Garcinia cambogia suppresses the appetite inhibiting an enzyme involved in converting carbohydrates to fat in mammals, as Seaweeds helps to reduce cellulite by stimulating the thyroid gland laminaria and sargassum.
Polygonum multiflorum, or Ho Shou Wu or Fo Ti is said to help lower cholesterol preventing the penetration of fats in the arterial lining.
Flour of Konjac Root is obtained from the tubers of various species of Amorphophallus as soluble dietary fiber similar to pectin in structure and functions for weight loss, control and later weight maintenance.
Popular herbs helping in the fight against you becoming overweight are Guarana and Kola Nut, both high in caffeine used to enhance thermogenesis.
Detoxification Herbs - These are usually included in formulas to rid the body of toxins while dieting and to help metabolism function better.
Another herb rising in popularity is Banaba Leaf, which is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss, as well as one of the most effective auxiliary in the treatment of diabetes.
Evening Primrose seems to be effective to reduce cholesterol and excess weight, particularly in those individuals who do not process fats effectively.
Ephedra, also known by its Chinese name Ma Huang, is an evergreen plant derivative, which is a natural ephedrine available legally in nutritional supplements, energizers, and dietary teas, but now banned in the United States but still available in many stores until stocks run out.
Ephedrine is a thermogenic aid herb originally used to relieve asthma symptoms by its bronchodilating that stimulates thermogenesis causing the adrenal glands to dump epinephrine into the blood stream, increasing body temperature and expending more calories.
After received an increasing number of reports related to adverse reactions associated with ephedra use, any products containing ephedra is illegal for over-the-counter sales by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since April 12, 2004.
Popular used as an herb to weight loss, Stevia, is a remarkable sweet noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay and used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries, but also under the look of the United States in recent years because of actions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, subject of searches and seizures, trade complaints and embargoes on importation, handled at times by the FDA as if it were an illegal drug.
the t o http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/weight-loss-herbs.htm
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Herbs 4 Weight Loss
Natural Weight Loss Herbs are the safer option to regaining control of your weight. Typically a male needs 2500 calories and the average female only 2000 calories per day, but the excess weight is the result of diverse factors, including excessive calorie intake that may be controlled with the consumption of certain herbs or products made with them.
Restricting your diet excessively is not a solution, because your body switches to emergency mode and converts most of your food into fat as a safeguard against starvation. This way your body uses its protein stores, for example in your muscles, and the smaller they get the lower your metabolic rate.
On the opposite side, weight loss herbs increase your body's metabolism, enhancing deteriorated health resulting from poor eating habits, or starvation diets, that suppress the metabolic rate causing the body to destroy its lean muscle tissue while conserving its stores of fat.
Mushrooms have diverse supporting and cholesterol lowering actions in weight loss but many other herbs have specific properties that may help you out to achieve your goal to get rid of extra fat in your body pretty fast, as it is well know Ginseng stimulates metabolism and energy, apart from many other medicinal properties, but there is an array of herbs auxiliary to reduce fats and maintain your ideal weight.
Through relatively recent studies researches found that granules of the whole seeds of Psyllium (Plantago ovata) consumed with water prior to each meal can cause the spontaneous reduction in the consumption of calories and fats, increasing the feeling of satisfaction, measured as "fullness sensation" for as long as three hours after the intake of meals.
Gymnema sylvestre is an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, and it is well known that drinking the tea or chewing the leaves will help you suppress the ability to taste sugar for several hours. This is useful to avoid the intake of extra calories in your diet.
Also used in Ayurvedic treatments, Garcinia cambogia suppresses the appetite inhibiting an enzyme involved in converting carbohydrates to fat in mammals, as Seaweeds helps to reduce cellulite by stimulating the thyroid gland laminaria and sargassum.
Polygonum multiflorum, or Ho Shou Wu or Fo Ti is said to help lower cholesterol preventing the penetration of fats in the arterial lining.
Flour of Konjac Root is obtained from the tubers of various species of Amorphophallus as soluble dietary fiber similar to pectin in structure and functions for weight loss, control and later weight maintenance.
Popular herbs helping in the fight against you becoming overweight are Guarana and Kola Nut, both high in caffeine used to enhance thermogenesis.
Detoxification Herbs - These are usually included in formulas to rid the body of toxins while dieting and to help metabolism function better.
Another herb rising in popularity is Banaba Leaf, which is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss, as well as one of the most effective auxiliary in the treatment of diabetes.
Evening Primrose seems to be effective to reduce cholesterol and excess weight, particularly in those individuals who do not process fats effectively.
Ephedra, also known by its Chinese name Ma Huang, is an evergreen plant derivative, which is a natural ephedrine available legally in nutritional supplements, energizers, and dietary teas, but now banned in the United States but still available in many stores until stocks run out.
Ephedrine is a thermogenic aid herb originally used to relieve asthma symptoms by its bronchodilating that stimulates thermogenesis causing the adrenal glands to dump epinephrine into the blood stream, increasing body temperature and expending more calories.
After received an increasing number of reports related to adverse reactions associated with ephedra use, any products containing ephedra is illegal for over-the-counter sales by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since April 12, 2004.
Popular used as an herb to weight loss, Stevia, is a remarkable sweet noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay and used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries, but also under the look of the United States in recent years because of actions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, subject of searches and seizures, trade complaints and embargoes on importation, handled at times by the FDA as if it were an illegal drug.
the t o http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/weight-loss-herbs.htm
Restricting your diet excessively is not a solution, because your body switches to emergency mode and converts most of your food into fat as a safeguard against starvation. This way your body uses its protein stores, for example in your muscles, and the smaller they get the lower your metabolic rate.
On the opposite side, weight loss herbs increase your body's metabolism, enhancing deteriorated health resulting from poor eating habits, or starvation diets, that suppress the metabolic rate causing the body to destroy its lean muscle tissue while conserving its stores of fat.
Mushrooms have diverse supporting and cholesterol lowering actions in weight loss but many other herbs have specific properties that may help you out to achieve your goal to get rid of extra fat in your body pretty fast, as it is well know Ginseng stimulates metabolism and energy, apart from many other medicinal properties, but there is an array of herbs auxiliary to reduce fats and maintain your ideal weight.
Through relatively recent studies researches found that granules of the whole seeds of Psyllium (Plantago ovata) consumed with water prior to each meal can cause the spontaneous reduction in the consumption of calories and fats, increasing the feeling of satisfaction, measured as "fullness sensation" for as long as three hours after the intake of meals.
Gymnema sylvestre is an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, and it is well known that drinking the tea or chewing the leaves will help you suppress the ability to taste sugar for several hours. This is useful to avoid the intake of extra calories in your diet.
Also used in Ayurvedic treatments, Garcinia cambogia suppresses the appetite inhibiting an enzyme involved in converting carbohydrates to fat in mammals, as Seaweeds helps to reduce cellulite by stimulating the thyroid gland laminaria and sargassum.
Polygonum multiflorum, or Ho Shou Wu or Fo Ti is said to help lower cholesterol preventing the penetration of fats in the arterial lining.
Flour of Konjac Root is obtained from the tubers of various species of Amorphophallus as soluble dietary fiber similar to pectin in structure and functions for weight loss, control and later weight maintenance.
Popular herbs helping in the fight against you becoming overweight are Guarana and Kola Nut, both high in caffeine used to enhance thermogenesis.
Detoxification Herbs - These are usually included in formulas to rid the body of toxins while dieting and to help metabolism function better.
Another herb rising in popularity is Banaba Leaf, which is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss, as well as one of the most effective auxiliary in the treatment of diabetes.
Evening Primrose seems to be effective to reduce cholesterol and excess weight, particularly in those individuals who do not process fats effectively.
Ephedra, also known by its Chinese name Ma Huang, is an evergreen plant derivative, which is a natural ephedrine available legally in nutritional supplements, energizers, and dietary teas, but now banned in the United States but still available in many stores until stocks run out.
Ephedrine is a thermogenic aid herb originally used to relieve asthma symptoms by its bronchodilating that stimulates thermogenesis causing the adrenal glands to dump epinephrine into the blood stream, increasing body temperature and expending more calories.
After received an increasing number of reports related to adverse reactions associated with ephedra use, any products containing ephedra is illegal for over-the-counter sales by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since April 12, 2004.
Popular used as an herb to weight loss, Stevia, is a remarkable sweet noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay and used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries, but also under the look of the United States in recent years because of actions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, subject of searches and seizures, trade complaints and embargoes on importation, handled at times by the FDA as if it were an illegal drug.
the t o http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/weight-loss-herbs.htm
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Herbal Life Nutrition
Herbal Life Nutrition
There used to be a solid line of demarcation between 'medical science' and 'traditional health'. These days, though, they are coming together, as doctors realize the importance of Herbal life nutrition and traditional health experts understand that sometimes medical science is necessary. However, while medical science has received critical review and media attention, the review and attention given to Herbal life nutrition to make people's lives better, healthier, stronger, and longer, has long been overlooked and sensationalized.
Herbal medicine for life
When you're thinking about Herbal life nutrition, you should look into the various herbs on the market today. One of the first thing you'll notice is that most supplements make claims, but don't back them up. To know whether St. Johns Wort will really cure hemorrhoids (which, by the way, it won't), you'll probably have to look it up yourself. Encyclopedias, and the web, can make this process much easier; allowing you to find out what it is that is being sold to you as an 'herbal remedy'. While there are many different herbs, below are a few common ones.St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort, our example herb above, doesn't cure hemorrhoids, but it has been used as medicine for many years. Primarily, it is currently used to treat depression and anxiety disorders. While it may be arguably effective for other problems, it should be noted that the only thing St. John's Wort has evidenced effectiveness for Herbal life nutrition is low to moderate depression/anxiety disorders.Ginkgo Biloba
Many energy drinks and herbal supplements display that they include Ginkgo Biloba proudly on their label. Ginkgo is also known as the Maidenhair Tree sometimes. It is a 'living fossil', which means that it is a species that has no living relatives (Ginkgo is in its own division, Ginkgophyta, which has only the one class Ginkgopsida, the one order Ginkgoales, the one family Ginkgoaceae, the only genus Ginkgo and just the one species. It's far, far away from any other species, enough that scientists don't know of any relatives at all), and has remained fairly stable through the centuries in the fossil record. Given all of this, you may be led to believe that it has the wondrous effects for Herbal life nutrition that the labels claim. However, for the most part, the only claim that has any semblance of the truth is that Ginkgo Biloba can be used as a memory enhancer and anti-vertigo agent, and even those claims are contested. It is also expensive enough that most manufacturers only put just enough in to be able to say on their label that it is in their product, in hopes of a placebo effect. The American Medical Association found indications that Ginkgo was no better than a placebo in memory tests, but those experiments are still preliminary. Overall, though, Ginkgo should probably not be something that you use as a deciding characteristic when looking at a product to purchase.Garlic and Artichoke
Not all Herbal life nutrition elements must be obscure or specific; common household items can be healthy and helpful too. Garlic and artichokes both have been shown to lower cholesterol. Garlic also reduces blood pressure, and has some antibacterial properties.Name Confusion
It should be noted that, while there are international naming conventions for herbs, they often can be mistaken. St. John's Wort, as commonly talked about, is actually Common St. John's Wort, as there are other varieties. In Belgium, a company producing what was supposed to be an ancient Chinese medicine for weight loss, instead produced a product that caused a lot of liver damage; the herb they put in increased blood pressure and overall heart rate, too, and the only noticeable difference between the herbs, besides their effects, was the suffix of their Latin names, which is what caused the confusion.Dangers
Some people think that 'natural' and 'organic' means the same thing as safe. This is not the case. Before taking anything related to Herbal life nutrition, you should research it and probably talk to your primary care provider. Some herbs can cause liver or kidney damage; a common side-effect for many is abortifacent effects, so that pregnant women should be very careful before starting any kind of herbal regimen. Nightshade and hemlock, as another example, are herbs that might be marketed for soporific or tranquilizing purposes, however, they are extremely dangerous, and as a general rule should not be taken unless you've spoken to a qualified health professional.Hope this article provides you information about herbal life nutrition.
the t o : http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/herbal-life-nutrition.htm
Herbs for High Blood Pressure
Although blood pressure varies from person to person and also by age, in general terms normal blood pressure should be less than 130 mm Hg systolic and less than 85 mm Hg diastolic, being the optimal blood pressure less than 120 mm Hg systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic. Above these measures the individual is diagnosed with hypertension.
Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries, and Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure greater than 140/90, it is recommended to bring back blood pressure closer to 120/80, considered optimal, because elevated blood pressure levels increase the risk for heart attack and stroke.
Although hypertension can be treated with medication, most people everyday are wanting to control this condition with the use of herbs, as recommended by ancient disciplines that have spread widely in Occident in the last years, such as Ayurveda.
A change in diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise, stress management and self-monitoring getting a home blood pressure device, can be used to control and bring down the blood pressure with no side effects, but adding herbs to the treatment will improve one thousand times the quality of life.
Many of those herbs and spices have been used traditionally not only in Ayurveda, but also in western herbalism or by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Egyptians, although some of them are questioned as traditional herbal folklore, with no clinical proof being established yet, but some others which efficacy have been already confirmed scientifically.
Herbs for high blood pressure can be used individually or in combination, and it is most likely to find them at your local health food store, or grocery store, supermarkets and delicatessen or specialty stores because some of them are used in cooking as well.
Some of the most renowned herbs in the treatment of high blood pressure are Cinnamon, Garlic, Valerian, Ginger, Cardamom, Kelp, Manjishta, Jatamamsi, Shankapushpi, Burdock, Gotu Kola, Skullcap, Hawthorn, Nutmeg, Arjuna and Ashwagandha.
Many people know that stroke and heart disease are consequences of untreated high blood pressure, add herbs commonly used in cooking to their daily meals as a preventive measure which does not involve a health risk or side effects. Some others are advised to be used after consulting your doctor, particularly if you already are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
People with elevated blood pressure have to take medication to bring it down and implement lifestyle changes to make sure that the blood pressure stays low, introducing herbs to their diets as useful aid managing this condition. Garlic is on of the most beneficial herbs for the heart breaking up the toxins that lead to abnormal blood pressure and heart problems, stimulating blood circulation.
The intake of Garlic alone can increase dullness of the mind, so Ayurvedic Alternative Medicine recommends its combination with herbs that promote mind's activity such as Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Shankapushpi, Jatamamsi, and Skullcap, or the consumption of Rashona rasayana, a "food jam" consisting of herbs and spices in a base of honey, rice syrup and ghee.
Rashona rasayana are made with herbs that also can be used individually in high blood pressure, such as Valerian (Valeriana), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Kelp (Fucus visiculosis), Garlic Allium (sativum) Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus) Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), Aruna (Terminalia arjuna) Gotu Kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica) Skullcap (Scutellaria) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Manjishta (Rubia tinctoria) Jatamamsi (Nardostachys jatamamsi) Shankapushpi (Clitoria ternatea), and Burdock (Arctum lappa).
Hypertension is often called the silent killer because it often has no warning signs or symptoms, and no regard to race, age, or gender, anyone can develop high blood pressure. Changing your lifestyle now and adding herbs to your diet, may help you prevent this condition.
the t o : http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/herbs-for-high-blood-pressure.htm
Blood pressure is the force of blood against the walls of arteries, and Hypertension is defined as a blood pressure greater than 140/90, it is recommended to bring back blood pressure closer to 120/80, considered optimal, because elevated blood pressure levels increase the risk for heart attack and stroke.
Although hypertension can be treated with medication, most people everyday are wanting to control this condition with the use of herbs, as recommended by ancient disciplines that have spread widely in Occident in the last years, such as Ayurveda.
A change in diet and lifestyle, including regular exercise, stress management and self-monitoring getting a home blood pressure device, can be used to control and bring down the blood pressure with no side effects, but adding herbs to the treatment will improve one thousand times the quality of life.
Many of those herbs and spices have been used traditionally not only in Ayurveda, but also in western herbalism or by ancient civilizations such as the Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Egyptians, although some of them are questioned as traditional herbal folklore, with no clinical proof being established yet, but some others which efficacy have been already confirmed scientifically.
Herbs for high blood pressure can be used individually or in combination, and it is most likely to find them at your local health food store, or grocery store, supermarkets and delicatessen or specialty stores because some of them are used in cooking as well.
Some of the most renowned herbs in the treatment of high blood pressure are Cinnamon, Garlic, Valerian, Ginger, Cardamom, Kelp, Manjishta, Jatamamsi, Shankapushpi, Burdock, Gotu Kola, Skullcap, Hawthorn, Nutmeg, Arjuna and Ashwagandha.
Many people know that stroke and heart disease are consequences of untreated high blood pressure, add herbs commonly used in cooking to their daily meals as a preventive measure which does not involve a health risk or side effects. Some others are advised to be used after consulting your doctor, particularly if you already are diagnosed with high blood pressure.
People with elevated blood pressure have to take medication to bring it down and implement lifestyle changes to make sure that the blood pressure stays low, introducing herbs to their diets as useful aid managing this condition. Garlic is on of the most beneficial herbs for the heart breaking up the toxins that lead to abnormal blood pressure and heart problems, stimulating blood circulation.
The intake of Garlic alone can increase dullness of the mind, so Ayurvedic Alternative Medicine recommends its combination with herbs that promote mind's activity such as Gotu Kola, Ashwagandha, Shankapushpi, Jatamamsi, and Skullcap, or the consumption of Rashona rasayana, a "food jam" consisting of herbs and spices in a base of honey, rice syrup and ghee.
Rashona rasayana are made with herbs that also can be used individually in high blood pressure, such as Valerian (Valeriana), Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) Kelp (Fucus visiculosis), Garlic Allium (sativum) Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycanthus) Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), Aruna (Terminalia arjuna) Gotu Kola (Hydrocotyle asiatica) Skullcap (Scutellaria) Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Manjishta (Rubia tinctoria) Jatamamsi (Nardostachys jatamamsi) Shankapushpi (Clitoria ternatea), and Burdock (Arctum lappa).
Hypertension is often called the silent killer because it often has no warning signs or symptoms, and no regard to race, age, or gender, anyone can develop high blood pressure. Changing your lifestyle now and adding herbs to your diet, may help you prevent this condition.
the t o : http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/herbs-for-high-blood-pressure.htm
Herbs for Relaxing
One of the goals in our modern society is to eliminate the stress which causes us to have a hard time relaxing or getting to sleep. No matter, if you live in a big cosmopolitan capital or in a small town, all of us experience stress at one time or another, making us feel overwhelmed during a busy day or experiencing apprehension over the outcome of a particular event.
It may be just a temporary stage, as the stress and agitation during the holiday season, or the worries and anxiety caused by an upcoming job interview, but those events adding extra pressure to our days makes it useful and almost mandatory to use relaxing herbs.
Valerian, skullcap, kava kava, hops and many others have been used for a long time with the purpose to calm the spirit bringing peace to the mind, in fact some of them, such as valerian, Lemon Balm leaves, orange leaves or orange blossom have been used as home remedies for ages to improve children's sleep by mixing an infusion of the herb with sweetened warm milk.
It is also known that some delicate aroms of herbs induce to relation and placid dreams. One of those herbs is Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), a native herb to North America as well as Europe, also known as sweetgrass, holy grass, buffalo grass, vanilla grass, or Zubrovka, considered as a sacred plant and used in peace and healing rituals.
Sweetgrass leaves are dried and made into braids and burned as vanilla-scented incense. The long leaves of sterile shoots are used by Native Americans in making baskets, while the coumarin content of the herb or the fragrance is used as incense and in making perfume. Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils taken from plants, flowers, roots and seeds for healing and relation purposes.
Infusion of relaxing herbs is the most common and cheap method of extracting the medicinal compounds of herbs when used as an intake for easiness. Infusions are the simplest way of extracting herbs active principles by dropping them in hot water or boiling the herb slowly as in decoctions.
An infusion is prepared as a regular tea to extract the volatile compounds of the herbs. Flowers and leaves of relaxing herbs can be used in infusions as single herbs tea or blending and mixing them. Although it may be drunk hot, warm or cold, experts advise to drink them as hot as you can, and sweetened with honey if possible.
Decoctions require more time and are particularly useful when using the roots of the herbs, barks or fruits, because they are thicker and less permeable than the aerial parts of the relaxing plants, and do not liberate their active principles by simple infusion or just liberate it partially.
In decoctions it is necessary to simmer the parts of the plant in boiling water in order to extract all their medicinal compounds. It is advisable to cut or break into small pieces the plant materials, and use a lid over the simmering pan to avoid loosing volatile constituents. After cooling down and separating the solid from the liquid, decoctions can be taken hot, warm or cold as regular infusions.
If you cannot turn your mind off and you need to relax, one of the herbs successfully used to help you recover the tranquility and inner wellness is the passion flower, a Native American herb. The passion flower is most effective in the alcohol extract form, because a few drops of this herb in tea, milk or water are enough to get results.
The Extract of relaxing herbs can be combined with other extracts, such as passion flower with Scullcap and/or Kava, and it is best to take a dose 1/2 to 1 hour before bed and then again just at bedtime for this intranquility condition. In insomnia conditions, a Chinese combination of Ginseng, Reishi and Fu Ling, all in equal parts taken twice a day with meals may solve the problem.
Relaxing herbs like Valeriana and Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) may be helpful in pain relief after traumatic injury, or when a patient become tense and less tolerant of pain for any other reason. In fact a naturist remedy in this case is Dr. Bach's Flowers.
the t o : http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/relaxing-herbs.htm
It may be just a temporary stage, as the stress and agitation during the holiday season, or the worries and anxiety caused by an upcoming job interview, but those events adding extra pressure to our days makes it useful and almost mandatory to use relaxing herbs.
Valerian, skullcap, kava kava, hops and many others have been used for a long time with the purpose to calm the spirit bringing peace to the mind, in fact some of them, such as valerian, Lemon Balm leaves, orange leaves or orange blossom have been used as home remedies for ages to improve children's sleep by mixing an infusion of the herb with sweetened warm milk.
It is also known that some delicate aroms of herbs induce to relation and placid dreams. One of those herbs is Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata), a native herb to North America as well as Europe, also known as sweetgrass, holy grass, buffalo grass, vanilla grass, or Zubrovka, considered as a sacred plant and used in peace and healing rituals.
Sweetgrass leaves are dried and made into braids and burned as vanilla-scented incense. The long leaves of sterile shoots are used by Native Americans in making baskets, while the coumarin content of the herb or the fragrance is used as incense and in making perfume. Aromatherapy is the practice of using essential oils taken from plants, flowers, roots and seeds for healing and relation purposes.
Infusion of relaxing herbs is the most common and cheap method of extracting the medicinal compounds of herbs when used as an intake for easiness. Infusions are the simplest way of extracting herbs active principles by dropping them in hot water or boiling the herb slowly as in decoctions.
An infusion is prepared as a regular tea to extract the volatile compounds of the herbs. Flowers and leaves of relaxing herbs can be used in infusions as single herbs tea or blending and mixing them. Although it may be drunk hot, warm or cold, experts advise to drink them as hot as you can, and sweetened with honey if possible.
Decoctions require more time and are particularly useful when using the roots of the herbs, barks or fruits, because they are thicker and less permeable than the aerial parts of the relaxing plants, and do not liberate their active principles by simple infusion or just liberate it partially.
In decoctions it is necessary to simmer the parts of the plant in boiling water in order to extract all their medicinal compounds. It is advisable to cut or break into small pieces the plant materials, and use a lid over the simmering pan to avoid loosing volatile constituents. After cooling down and separating the solid from the liquid, decoctions can be taken hot, warm or cold as regular infusions.
If you cannot turn your mind off and you need to relax, one of the herbs successfully used to help you recover the tranquility and inner wellness is the passion flower, a Native American herb. The passion flower is most effective in the alcohol extract form, because a few drops of this herb in tea, milk or water are enough to get results.
The Extract of relaxing herbs can be combined with other extracts, such as passion flower with Scullcap and/or Kava, and it is best to take a dose 1/2 to 1 hour before bed and then again just at bedtime for this intranquility condition. In insomnia conditions, a Chinese combination of Ginseng, Reishi and Fu Ling, all in equal parts taken twice a day with meals may solve the problem.
Relaxing herbs like Valeriana and Passiflora incarnata (passion flower) may be helpful in pain relief after traumatic injury, or when a patient become tense and less tolerant of pain for any other reason. In fact a naturist remedy in this case is Dr. Bach's Flowers.
the t o : http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/relaxing-herbs.htm
Herbs for Weight Loss
Herbs for Weight Loss
Natural Weight Loss Herbs are the safer option to regaining control of your weight. Typically a male needs 2500 calories and the average female only 2000 calories per day, but the excess weight is the result of diverse factors, including excessive calorie intake that may be controlled with the consumption of certain herbs or products made with them.
Restricting your diet excessively is not a solution, because your body switches to emergency mode and converts most of your food into fat as a safeguard against starvation. This way your body uses its protein stores, for example in your muscles, and the smaller they get the lower your metabolic rate.
On the opposite side, weight loss herbs increase your body's metabolism, enhancing deteriorated health resulting from poor eating habits, or starvation diets, that suppress the metabolic rate causing the body to destroy its lean muscle tissue while conserving its stores of fat.
Mushrooms have diverse supporting and cholesterol lowering actions in weight loss but many other herbs have specific properties that may help you out to achieve your goal to get rid of extra fat in your body pretty fast, as it is well know Ginseng stimulates metabolism and energy, apart from many other medicinal properties, but there is an array of herbs auxiliary to reduce fats and maintain your ideal weight.
Through relatively recent studies researches found that granules of the whole seeds of Psyllium (Plantago ovata) consumed with water prior to each meal can cause the spontaneous reduction in the consumption of calories and fats, increasing the feeling of satisfaction, measured as "fullness sensation" for as long as three hours after the intake of meals.
Gymnema sylvestre is an Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, and it is well known that drinking the tea or chewing the leaves will help you suppress the ability to taste sugar for several hours. This is useful to avoid the intake of extra calories in your diet.
Also used in Ayurvedic treatments, Garcinia cambogia suppresses the appetite inhibiting an enzyme involved in converting carbohydrates to fat in mammals, as Seaweeds helps to reduce cellulite by stimulating the thyroid gland laminaria and sargassum.
Polygonum multiflorum, or Ho Shou Wu or Fo Ti is said to help lower cholesterol preventing the penetration of fats in the arterial lining.
Flour of Konjac Root is obtained from the tubers of various species of Amorphophallus as soluble dietary fiber similar to pectin in structure and functions for weight loss, control and later weight maintenance.
Popular herbs helping in the fight against you becoming overweight are Guarana and Kola Nut, both high in caffeine used to enhance thermogenesis.
Detoxification Herbs - These are usually included in formulas to rid the body of toxins while dieting and to help metabolism function better.
Another herb rising in popularity is Banaba Leaf, which is also widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for weight loss, as well as one of the most effective auxiliary in the treatment of diabetes.
Evening Primrose seems to be effective to reduce cholesterol and excess weight, particularly in those individuals who do not process fats effectively.
Ephedra, also known by its Chinese name Ma Huang, is an evergreen plant derivative, which is a natural ephedrine available legally in nutritional supplements, energizers, and dietary teas, but now banned in the United States but still available in many stores until stocks run out.
Ephedrine is a thermogenic aid herb originally used to relieve asthma symptoms by its bronchodilating that stimulates thermogenesis causing the adrenal glands to dump epinephrine into the blood stream, increasing body temperature and expending more calories.
After received an increasing number of reports related to adverse reactions associated with ephedra use, any products containing ephedra is illegal for over-the-counter sales by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since April 12, 2004.
Popular used as an herb to weight loss, Stevia, is a remarkable sweet noncaloric herb, native to Paraguay and used as a sweetener and flavor enhancer for centuries, but also under the look of the United States in recent years because of actions by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, subject of searches and seizures, trade complaints and embargoes on importation, handled at times by the FDA as if it were an illegal drug.
the t o http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/herbs/weight-loss-herbs.htm
Preparation of Herbal Medicines
Herbals medicines are sometimes proved to more effective than other treatments. You can prepare herbal medicines at your home also. Here are few tips for you.In the conventional system of herbal medicine, the medicines are prepared in numerous ways. The methods keep on varying depending on the nature of the herbs those are being used.
Most of these methods comprise of decoctions (boiled teas), infusions (hot teas), and tinctures (alcohol and water extracts).There are other methods also which include making hot baths taken by the patients, steam inhalation of several herbal plants and finally aromatherapy.
Below some of the methods of preparing herbal medicines are described.
Aloe vera
- Medicinal Parts: The yellow juice taken out from the inner skin of leaves and the gel from the leaves.
- Method of Preparation: This is very simple you need to tear a lower leaf and apply to the wound directly. Aloe gel is available in bottles at most of the drug stores.
- Medicinal Parts: Leaves
- Method of Preparation: It is used as a tranquilizer. To treat injuries, make a hot squash using 2 teaspoons of these leaves in one cup of hot water. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes. Then apply it with a clean cloth.
- Medicinal Parts : Bark of the root
- Method of Preparation: You need to boil the bark in water and then squeeze the pulp. Administer the pulp on the affected area.
- Medicinal Parts: Leaves
- Method of Preparation: You need to add those leaves into hot teas that is called as infusion.
- Medicinal Parts: Seeds
- Method of Preparation: Mix fresh seeds into food or chew it a teaspoonful at a time. After crushing the seeds you can prepare an infusion of it.
- Medicinal Parts: Dried and aged bark
- Method of Preparation: For preparing the medicine you need to store the bark for a year because the fresh bark holds chemicals which can cause serious intestinal cramps.
- Lack of standardization can cause differences among certain products. So the raw material you are using must be standardized.
- Make it sure that you are not using larger than the recommended dose.
the t o http://herbs.ygoy.com/preparation-of-herbal-medicines/
Antiviral Herbs
What are Antiviral Herbs?
Antiviral herbs protects the body in many ways. Some of the antiviral herbs are echinacea, ginger, garlic, saw palmetto, capsaicin, tea tree oil, chamomile, milk thistle, ginseng, sweet Annie, aloe vera, licorice.
Uses of Different Antiviral Herbs
The primary use of some of the antiviral drugs are:
Echinacea: It is one of the most important antiviral herbs. It increases immunity, reduces the stress levels and maintains good balance of the body system.
Ginger: It is known as a motion sickness drug as it is good for digestion and related conditions. It is good for loss of appetite. Stomach pain and indigestion. It cures cols and cough.
Tea tree oil: It has excellent antiviral properties. It is used in deodorants, first aids, cosmetics and moisturizing lotions. Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and it heals athlete’s foot and toe nail infections. It should not be applied directly to the affected part without diluting.
Ginseng: It improves the digestion and resolves the problem of loss of appetite. It acts as a muscle and skin toner.
Sweet Annie: It is popularly used in china to treat malaria. The tea made of this is very useful for treating vomiting, nausea, nerve damage and abdominal distress.
Aloe Vera: It is one of the herbs which are used for its antiviral properties. It has antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It is used for radiation bums after undergoing treatment of cancer. It reduces inflammation and swelling. It is effective for wounds and cuts.
Licorice: It is used to make tea which calms cough, cold and asthma. It helps to retain the water content in the body.
Licorice is beneficial in treating headaches, sore throat and in preventing tooth decay.
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2009/12/02/antiviral-herbs/
Antiviral herbs protects the body in many ways. Some of the antiviral herbs are echinacea, ginger, garlic, saw palmetto, capsaicin, tea tree oil, chamomile, milk thistle, ginseng, sweet Annie, aloe vera, licorice.
Uses of Different Antiviral Herbs
The primary use of some of the antiviral drugs are:
Echinacea: It is one of the most important antiviral herbs. It increases immunity, reduces the stress levels and maintains good balance of the body system.
Ginger: It is known as a motion sickness drug as it is good for digestion and related conditions. It is good for loss of appetite. Stomach pain and indigestion. It cures cols and cough.
Tea tree oil: It has excellent antiviral properties. It is used in deodorants, first aids, cosmetics and moisturizing lotions. Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and it heals athlete’s foot and toe nail infections. It should not be applied directly to the affected part without diluting.
Ginseng: It improves the digestion and resolves the problem of loss of appetite. It acts as a muscle and skin toner.
Sweet Annie: It is popularly used in china to treat malaria. The tea made of this is very useful for treating vomiting, nausea, nerve damage and abdominal distress.
Aloe Vera: It is one of the herbs which are used for its antiviral properties. It has antiviral, antibacterial and anti fungal properties. It is used for radiation bums after undergoing treatment of cancer. It reduces inflammation and swelling. It is effective for wounds and cuts.
Licorice: It is used to make tea which calms cough, cold and asthma. It helps to retain the water content in the body.
Licorice is beneficial in treating headaches, sore throat and in preventing tooth decay.
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2009/12/02/antiviral-herbs/
What is Witch Hazel?
Witch hazel is a native plant of North America and is a low growing herb. Historically, it is a well known medicinal herb and this resulted it in spreading into Europe. Witch hazel preparations are available in drug stores. They range from tincture to soothing cream and also in skin care stores. This herb acts as an astringent and in firming and tightening the tissues. This also reduces irritation and itching on the skin. Its properties make it an excellent herb for adding it to medicine cabinet.
Four species of hazel witch are included in “Hamamelis” genus. All the four species have bright yellow flowers that appear in fall and simple leaves with wavy edges. The fruit of flower matures from the previous years simultaneously. These crack and open explosively, when they are ripened fully and the seeds eject into the surrounding areas. That’s why it is also called “snapping hazel”.
Some people believe erroneously that the herb’s name is related to witches. The origin of this herb’s name is a bit mundane. “Witch” refers to corruption of Anglo Saxon word “wych” which means flexible. Witch hazel branches are more popular for pliancy. Plant has some mystical associations because witch hazel branches are very suitable for dowsing rods.
Teas, tinctures and, distillations of witch hazel are used to treat various ailments from past hundreds of years. Distillation is created when hazel is steamed to extract the volatile oils. Teas are prepared from flowers, bark and, leaves. To prepare tinctures, hazel barks are suspended into alcohol for leaching out useful compounds of herb. Tinctures and distillations are used for external use while tea is used for internal use.
According to researchers, hazel acts in various ways. Its astringent property heals the sun burns, sore muscles and, irritation caused by insect bites. It also acts as a toner for body and face and soothes irritated tissues. Its surface numbing property helps in treating sore muscles. Some skincare creams, like shaving creams and lotions contain witch hazel.
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/02/23/what-is-witch-hazel/
Four species of hazel witch are included in “Hamamelis” genus. All the four species have bright yellow flowers that appear in fall and simple leaves with wavy edges. The fruit of flower matures from the previous years simultaneously. These crack and open explosively, when they are ripened fully and the seeds eject into the surrounding areas. That’s why it is also called “snapping hazel”.
Some people believe erroneously that the herb’s name is related to witches. The origin of this herb’s name is a bit mundane. “Witch” refers to corruption of Anglo Saxon word “wych” which means flexible. Witch hazel branches are more popular for pliancy. Plant has some mystical associations because witch hazel branches are very suitable for dowsing rods.
Teas, tinctures and, distillations of witch hazel are used to treat various ailments from past hundreds of years. Distillation is created when hazel is steamed to extract the volatile oils. Teas are prepared from flowers, bark and, leaves. To prepare tinctures, hazel barks are suspended into alcohol for leaching out useful compounds of herb. Tinctures and distillations are used for external use while tea is used for internal use.
According to researchers, hazel acts in various ways. Its astringent property heals the sun burns, sore muscles and, irritation caused by insect bites. It also acts as a toner for body and face and soothes irritated tissues. Its surface numbing property helps in treating sore muscles. Some skincare creams, like shaving creams and lotions contain witch hazel.
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/02/23/what-is-witch-hazel/
How to store herbs in the fridge?
Most of the herbs are sold in the form bunches. Most recipes require only a spoonful or dash of the herbs. Most people hang the leftover herbs, bind with rubber bands or pack them in shell packs. The following steps can be followed to store the herbs in fridge or refrigerator.
Tips to store Fresh Cut Herbs in Fridge:
Rinse excess soil and sand from the herbs.
To store herbs in the refrigerator, place them in the plastic bag. Make some holes in the plastic bag and try to keep the leaves away from the interior surface of the bag.
Wrap loosely the rinsed herbs in the paper towel and keep them in zip lock bag and then store them in fridge crisper.
Alternatively, herbs such as parsley and cilantro can be placed in the water glass and keep them in the refrigerator.
Excess herbs can be used to prepare pesto style sauces.
It is good to freeze the herbs than drying them, if they are left unused for a week.
Frozen herbs are like fresh herbs and can be added directly in the recipes. Though they lose some flavor, they can be used within an year.
Pick off the leaves from the stems and keep them in zip-locked bag. Spread the leaves in a single layer. Lay them flat in the refrigerator.
Tips to store Dried Herbs in Fridge:
Place the dried herbs in the dark containers as light can cause herbs to loose color or flavor faster. Use metal or brown glass to store the dried herbs.
Store these in the room temperature by keeping them away from heat sources such as ovens, toasters, on top of the fridge or dishwater. Heat causes in the loss of color and/or flavor.
the t o http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/02/09/how-to-store-herbs-in-the-fridge/
Tips to store Fresh Cut Herbs in Fridge:
Tips to store Dried Herbs in Fridge:
the t o http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/02/09/how-to-store-herbs-in-the-fridge/
Annual Herbs – What are Annual Herbs ?
When a plant germinates, grows, flowers and then dies within one growing season, it is termed as an annual herb. If a true annual herb is prevented from setting seeds, it may leave for more than a year. Sometimes, a few seedless plants are considered annual even though they do not grow any flower.
Cultivation of Annual Plants
the t o http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/07/02/annual-herbs-what-are-annual-herbs/
Cultivation of Annual Plants
- In gardening, annual plants are often grown outdoors during the spring and the summer.
- Most of the domesticated grains are annual herbs including most of food plants. But a few gardeners (or farmers) grow biennial (example carrot, parsley and celery) or perennial herbs (bell pepper, tomato, sweet potato) in their lands for convenience.
- A few perennial ornamental plants are grown as annuals like coleus, impatiens, pelargonium, wax begonia, petunia, snapdragon etc.
- A few names of true annuals are – beans, corn, cauliflower, lettuce, marigold, peas, rice, wheat, watermelon and zinnia.
- One life cycle of seed-to-seed may occur in about a month, but others might need months.
- Oilseed rapa takes about 5 weeks to complete one life cycle from seed-to-seed when kept under a bank of fluorescent lamps (which are used in school classroom).
- Herbs that complete their life cycle in weeks, often have to spend the rest of year in dry conditions.
- Growth in Summer The annuals that grow during the summer show the following kind of growth -
- Sprout during the early summer —> flower blooms during the summer months —> seed —> die during late warmer months
- Example – lawn weed crabgrass.
- The seeds lie dormant until the warmer months start.
- Growth in Winter The annuals which grow in winters follow the following pattern of life cycle -
- Germinate begins in the late autumn or early winter —> live through the winter months —> blooms during the late winter or early spring —> set seed and die.
- Seeds start germination only when the soil is coll, else experience dormancy till winters are felt.
- These plants mostly grow low to the ground level.
- Example – chickweed, deadnettle, henbit and winter cress.
- Most of the herbs which grow during the winter are more important ecologically, because they prevent soil erosion.
- Animals and birds are capable of feeding on them during the winters.
- Commercially, winter annuals are considered as weeds and host to pests and fungal diseases.
the t o http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/07/02/annual-herbs-what-are-annual-herbs/
Biennial Herbs – What are Biennial Herbs ?
Most flowering herbs are biennial, which needs two growing seasons to complete one life cycle. The status of a plant; whether Annual, Perennial or Biennial often varied based on their location and purpose. Most gardeners believe in this. Examples of biennial herbs are Sweet William Dwarf plant, Lunaria, Colic weed, Sweet William, Silverbeet etc.
Growth of Biennial Herbs
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/07/05/biennial-herbs-what-are-biennial-herbs/
Growth of Biennial Herbs
- During the first growing season, the herb grows all its vegetative structures like the roots, stems and leaves. In case of unfavorable conditions, it enters dormancy until the favorable condition arrives.
- In these plants, the stem are usually very short with leaves forming a rosette near the ground.
- Before the flower blooms, most of the biennial herbs would need a cold treatment (vernalization).
- During the later stages of the unfavorable season, the stems bolt or elongate greatly. Following the bolting of the stem, the flower blooms, fruits are produced and seeds are formed before the plant dies.
- The number of biennials are much less compared to the annuals or perennials.
- During extreme climatic conditions, a few biennial herbs have been observed to complete their life cycle within a very short time period ranging upto 3-4 months in place of 2 years. Most vegetable and flower bearing plants have been found to show such kind of growth under extreme conditions.
- The biennials which are grown for seeds, fruits and flowers are required to be grown for 2 years.
- The biennials grown for their edible roots, leaves are often grown annually. These include – cabbage, beets, parsley, celery, Brussels sprouts, lettuce and Swiss chard.
- A few biennials need extremely harsh conditions for their growth and so they are grown annually as they fail to survive under extreme unfavorable conditions. Example a herb which grows in extreme high temperatures would definitely die in extreme low temperatures.
- True biennials have the capability of flowering only once in one life cycle.
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/07/05/biennial-herbs-what-are-biennial-herbs/
Perennial Herb
The term Perennial was derived from two latin words, “per” (means through) and “annus” (means year). When a plant is found to live for more than 2 years, it is called a perennial plant or a perennial. This term was coined to differentiate between the short-lived annuals, biennials and others.
Life cycle
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/07/18/perennial-herb/
Life cycle
- These plants can be short-lived or can be long-lived.
- Their height may range from a few millimeters to 100 meters.
- Ranging from ferns to flowering plants (like orchid) to tree, all types of herbs can be found.
- Most of the perennials can flower for many seasons during their lifetime (polycarpic).
- These herbs have some typical structures (like bulbs, rhizomes, tubers woody crowns) that can undergo vegetative reproduction in place of seeding. This ability helps these herbs to live from one season to the next.
- Specialized stems or crowns may be present to help the plants to survive over dormancy during unfavorable conditions.
- Many perennials may produce relatively large seeds which can form larger seedlings after germination. Thus, the plant can compete more effectively with other plants and can develop leaves more quickly.
- Perennials do not need to produce more seeds, but can produce seeds for many times during their lifetime.
- Example – dahlia.
- Perennials show a constant growth during favorable conditions, which is limited during unfavorable seasons.
- The roots remain protected below ground in the soil.
- The plant is comparatively tolerant to wildfire.
- A few perennial herbs are capable of tolerating the extremities of the cold season. But are usually less sensitive than others.
- Example – Kiwi Fruit
- Numerous benefits have been known with the perennial crops.
- These have deep-penetrating, extensive root systems and helping in the following ways -
- hold the soil better and prevent soil erosion.
- capture dissolved nitrogen before it contaminates the ground water and surface water
- reduces the need for herbicide use
- cause carbon sequestration and decrease the effect of global warming
- Example – Switchgrass (has deep roots with length more than 3 meters)
the t o : http://herbs.ygoy.com/2010/07/18/perennial-herb/
Top Ten Herbs to Grow
There is nothing more satisfying than the taste of fresh herbs in your homemade recipes. Herbs in the grocery store can be quite expensive for very small amounts. Growing your own herbs in an outdoor, patio or indoor garden, can save a lot of money and be very convenient, as you snip off the herb you need at the moment you need it. Decide which herbs you use most and ones you'd like to try to start your herb garden.
Bay is a perennial, evergreen herb. Outdoors, it reemerges in spring. Indoors it stays green year round. Make sure you leave adequate space around the plant for air-flow. Bay is often used in soups and stews. Popular varieties include aurea, angustifolia and undulata.
the t o : http://www.gardenguides.com/94973-top-ten-herbs-grow.html
Start the basil seeds indoors at a sunny window. Later, transplant them into larger pots or directly outdoors. Pinch the new growth tips to create a bushy plant. Sweet basil is the most popular variety, but there are many others to choose from, such as cinnamon, clove, lemon, sweet Thai, purple and spice Basil. Give extras as gifts.Chervil
This herb needs a temperature of 65 to 70 degrees F to grow well. It's better left to very warm climates outdoors. It's a perfect herb to grow indoors. This herb is wonderful, used in egg or cheese dishes. Sprinkle some onto chicken or steak before broiling or roasting.Chives
Chives are a must-have herb for every cook. It is happy indoors or out. If you plant a few extras outdoors, let them flower to enjoy the purple blooms. Use chopped chives in garlic mashed potatoes for a real treat.Oregano
Oregano, or wild marjoram, is an easy-to-grow herb. It's not particular about its soil and needs little extra nutrients. It does, however, require a sunny location. To keep this herb tasting great, remove the flower buds before they open.Parsley
Parsley needs a rich soil. Use a quality commercial potting soil for indoors or patio pots. Mix a rich compost into your soil outdoors. Choose between the two main varieties of parsley, flat-leaf or curled. The flat-leaf parsley is the milder tasting of the two.Sage
An easy-to-grow perennial, sage is used mostly to flavor meat dishes. However, you may remember the taste from your last Thanksgiving stuffing. This herb plant is hardy to colder temperatures and grows well outdoors with a nutritious soil. Make sure the plant has plenty of sunshine.Tarragon
If you choose to grow your tarragon plant indoors, you need to place it on the patio or deck in fall or winter, until the leaves die off. This herb requires a cold spurt, each year, to grow well. When you bring it in, place it in a cool location for a few days and then by a sunny window.Thyme
Thyme is another hardy perennial that will withstand cold winters and come back the following year. Try one of these popular varieties: golden-scented thyme (lemon scent), garden thyme (most common), ground cover thyme (low growing, used for cooking and ground cover).Rosemary
This herb looks like a little tree with needle-type leaves. It grows up to 6 feet, at maturity. If you live in extreme cold conditions, you'll want to grow your Rosemary plant in a pot and bring it indoors as the temperatures drop. It's a flavorful addition to chicken, turkey or even added to a bread recipe for herb bread.the t o : http://www.gardenguides.com/94973-top-ten-herbs-grow.html
Broccoli Herbal Remedy to Cure Gastritis and Digestion Problems
Broccoli has a Latin name Brassica oleracea. Broccoli is a vegetable crop that includes the cabbage family (Brassicaceae). The ancient Greeks, plants from the middle east region has been long cultivated. And vegetables that contain lots of vitamin C is becoming known in Indonesia around 1970. Until now, the broccoli is very popular as food.
The latest research and more specifically to the idea that broccoli can reduce the risk of a variety of digestive disorders such as gastritis, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer. In a study in Japan, the experts found that eating 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for 2 months to protect the Man of the bacteria associated stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and stomach cancer. Substances in broccoli is most important to prevent the affairs of the stomach is sulforaphane also able to increase production of enzymes in the liver. These enzymes act took carcinogenic substances (causing cancer) are and out of cells. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria working bully stomach). And in the medical world, these bacteria are the main causes of injuries and cancer, and stomach.
Prevent cell damage blood vessels in diabetes. In addition to matters of the stomach, researchers from the University of Warwick believes if sulforaphane has a role in restoring the blood vessels damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes.
Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia (memory loss) is most common among the elderly. Actually broccoli has long been believed to have an important role to cure the disease. Many researchers suspect that broccoli contains compounds antiacetylcholinesterase. In a study conducted by King’s College in London, broccoli is considered to have the most powerful antiacetylcholineaterase properties.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/03/broccoli-herbal-remedy-gastritis/
Broccoli Nutritions
Had long since this plant is believed to have huge benefits for the health of the body. One of them is to deal with all matters of the stomach. Like other vegetables, broccoli is rich in provitamin A or carotenoids, vitamin E, folic acid and vitamin C. According to some experts beauty, vitamin A in broccoli contain antioxidants that are better than that possessed by antioxidant vitamin C. In addition, the benefits of skin rejuvenation is very good because evitel revitalization of vitamin A can prevent and slow the aging of the skin. It is one of the many benefits of broccoli. Here are some reviews about the benefits of broccoli and how to get it.Overcoming All Stomach Problems
Broccoli is useful to overcome constipation. From the most minor problems. Broccoli contains nutrients, fivonoid, and fiber. As we all know that fiber is needed by the body to facilitate the digestive process. And fiber in broccoli can prevent constipation or better known as constipation.The latest research and more specifically to the idea that broccoli can reduce the risk of a variety of digestive disorders such as gastritis, gastric infections, and possibly stomach cancer. In a study in Japan, the experts found that eating 70 grams of fresh broccoli every day for 2 months to protect the Man of the bacteria associated stomach ulcer disease, gastric infections, and stomach cancer. Substances in broccoli is most important to prevent the affairs of the stomach is sulforaphane also able to increase production of enzymes in the liver. These enzymes act took carcinogenic substances (causing cancer) are and out of cells. In addition, sulforaphane has the ability to kill Helicobacter pylori (the bacteria working bully stomach). And in the medical world, these bacteria are the main causes of injuries and cancer, and stomach.
Prevent cell damage blood vessels in diabetes. In addition to matters of the stomach, researchers from the University of Warwick believes if sulforaphane has a role in restoring the blood vessels damaged by high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia), which is closely related to diabetes.
Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia (memory loss) is most common among the elderly. Actually broccoli has long been believed to have an important role to cure the disease. Many researchers suspect that broccoli contains compounds antiacetylcholinesterase. In a study conducted by King’s College in London, broccoli is considered to have the most powerful antiacetylcholineaterase properties.
How to Take Benefits of Broccoli
To get the benefits already mentioned above, would not then you can just buy and eat broccoli. Then expect to get benefits. Broccoli is good to have a dark green color and coarse-textured clear. There are several ways to eat broccoli, so you still get health benefits.- If you like fresh vegetables, broccoli, can you direct consumption. Or you can also make as row food and also mixed with other vegetables for salads.
- Another option, you can consume in the form of broccoli juice.
- You can also consume them by boiling first. But keep in mind, should the time required for steaming or boiling broccoli no more than 5 minutes. Because sulforaphane content of broccoli could be lost if cooked too long. And please note, the content of sulforaphane in broccoli fresh higher than in broccoli steamed boiled or overcooked.
- If you want to wash the broccoli, you should do the washing in cold tap water. And you should not soak broccoli because the active substances or nutrients can be dissolved in water.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/03/broccoli-herbal-remedy-gastritis/
Herbal Remedy | Green Tea and Glaucoma Treatment
As a herbal, green tea is known to have good properties for health. Green tea is tea made solely with the leaves of Camellia sinensis have undergone minimal oxidation That During processing, is used as an anti-aging and anti cancer. Also green tea has been claimed as useful for “weight loss management” possibly by inducing thermogenesis and stimulating fat oxidation. Today green tea was also has benefit for glaucoma treatment.
Green tea is a tea made from the leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) are learned and experienced the process of heating to prevent oxidation, or it could also mean that beverage produced from brewing tea leaves.
Green tea is a herbal beverage popular in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Middle East, Southeast Asia and increasingly recognized also in Western countries that used to be black tea drinkers.
Recent research found that green tea is useful for healthy digestive tract, to the eye tissue. This effect comes from the antioxidant content of catechins in it. Catechins, is one of a number of antioxidants (including vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin), which is believed to help protect the soft tissues of the eye from glaucoma and other eye diseases. But earlier is not known whether the catechins in green tea can be absorbed into the eye tissue.
According to wikipedia, Catechin (Pronunciation: /?ka-t?-?kin/) is a polyphenolic antioxidant plant secondary metabolite. The term catechins is also commonly used to refer to the related family of flavonoids and the subgroup flavan-3-ols (or simply flavanols). Catechin is a histidine decarboxylase inhibitor. Thus, it inhibits the conversion of histidine to histamine, and so, is thought to be beneficial through reduction of potentially damaging, histamine-related local immune response(s)
Researchers at Arizona Cancer Center has conducted research relating to the effect of catechin in green tea for human body. This is the first clinical study to show proof that chemicals in green tea can increase detoxification enzymes in humans (Green Tea Boosts Production Of Detox Enzymes, Rendering Cancerous Chemicals Harmless).
In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food, the researchers fed laboratory mice with green tea extract. Then the researchers analyzed the mouse eye tissue.
Results indicate that certain parts of catechins in the eye to absorb different amounts. The retina is the eye area with the highest content of catechins. The retina is the light sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. Medium cornea is the part that absorbs at least catechins. Cornea is the outermost layer of the eye.
And it is claimed that green tea can prevent glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve and cause vision loss. In fact, this Antioxidative survive up to 20 hours.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/04/green-tea-and-glaucoma-treatment/
Green tea is a tea made from the leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) are learned and experienced the process of heating to prevent oxidation, or it could also mean that beverage produced from brewing tea leaves.
Green tea is a herbal beverage popular in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Middle East, Southeast Asia and increasingly recognized also in Western countries that used to be black tea drinkers.
Green Tea and Glaucoma Treatment
Apparently, the antioxidants in green tea not only as an anti-aging course, According to a study of rats who drank green tea can do an analysis of eye tissue. Evidently, their eyes healthy.Recent research found that green tea is useful for healthy digestive tract, to the eye tissue. This effect comes from the antioxidant content of catechins in it. Catechins, is one of a number of antioxidants (including vitamin C, vitamin E, lutein and zeaxanthin), which is believed to help protect the soft tissues of the eye from glaucoma and other eye diseases. But earlier is not known whether the catechins in green tea can be absorbed into the eye tissue.
According to wikipedia, Catechin (Pronunciation: /?ka-t?-?kin/) is a polyphenolic antioxidant plant secondary metabolite. The term catechins is also commonly used to refer to the related family of flavonoids and the subgroup flavan-3-ols (or simply flavanols). Catechin is a histidine decarboxylase inhibitor. Thus, it inhibits the conversion of histidine to histamine, and so, is thought to be beneficial through reduction of potentially damaging, histamine-related local immune response(s)
Researchers at Arizona Cancer Center has conducted research relating to the effect of catechin in green tea for human body. This is the first clinical study to show proof that chemicals in green tea can increase detoxification enzymes in humans (Green Tea Boosts Production Of Detox Enzymes, Rendering Cancerous Chemicals Harmless).
In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Food, the researchers fed laboratory mice with green tea extract. Then the researchers analyzed the mouse eye tissue.
Results indicate that certain parts of catechins in the eye to absorb different amounts. The retina is the eye area with the highest content of catechins. The retina is the light sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. Medium cornea is the part that absorbs at least catechins. Cornea is the outermost layer of the eye.
And it is claimed that green tea can prevent glaucoma, damage to the optic nerve and cause vision loss. In fact, this Antioxidative survive up to 20 hours.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/04/green-tea-and-glaucoma-treatment/
Kidney Stone Herbal Remedy with Tempuyung
Kidney stones can be formed from the accumulation of crystals in urine in the kidneys or renal pelvis. Often these stones are composed of calcium oxalate. The occurrence of infection or less regular urination may affect the formation of kidney stones. Sometimes the appearance of kidney stone occurs when levels of calcium in the blood rises abnormally, also if the parathyroid glands produce excess urine.
Kidney stones can cause inflammation, infection, bleeding, pain during urination, or urinating are not current. This small stone that tends to flow to the bladder through the ureter, usually followed by pain for the sufferer. If the stone is too large, then the treatment is necessary. Either with surgery or lithotripsy, which is a procedure that uses shock waves to disintegrate the stones. But the way in great need of cost is not cheap.
Contained in the leaves is quite high potassium content within. The presence of potassium makes the leaves tempuyung kidney stones scattered in the form of calcium carbonate, because the potassium will remove calcium carbonate to join the compound, oxalic, or veins which are constituents of kidney stones. The precipitate was finally dissolved kidney stones and washed out with urine.
Nature Chemical and pharmacological Effect: Tempuyung bitter and cold.
Chemical Substances:
Tempuyung laktuserol containing oc-, P-laktuserol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoids, and taraksasterol.
Total flavonoida content in the leaves tempuyung ranged 0.1 percent. Chemical constituents contained in the leaves tempuyung are compounds that dissolve in water, among which are a group of minerals, carbohydrates and glycosides (luteolin-7-O-glucoside and apigenin-7-O-glucoside). In addition, this plant also contain a small compound coumarin (scopoletin), flavonoida Commons (kaempferol), and aglikon.Flavonoida itself is a group of natural phenolic compounds synthesized by plants.
In early 1966, the antioxidant activity of flavonoida starting studied by the researchers. Besides functioning as antioxidants, flavonoida also acts as antibacterial, antiviral, and antimutagenik, as well as inhibiting the development of several enzymes.
The antioxidant activity of flavonoida has been tested by using peroxide on B-”PIDA. Flavonoida compounds can inhibit the enzyme oxidase and destructive right-su-peroxide activity mainly apigenin, Eri-odictyol, kaempferol, and luteolin.because of im, some plants produce flavonoida, including tempuyung, could be promoted as an antioxidant to control the excess uric acid concentrations (rheumatism / gout) and lower cell activity due to ischemia and superoxide in human tissues To be able to benefit tempuyung, by extracting tempuyung leaves. There are several ways untarred, among extracted with water by way of cooking two or three leaf clusters tempuyung with one liter of water.
Pharmacological securities and Research:
Alternatively, 500 mg tempuyung dried leaves brewed with one glass of drinking water such as making tea. Steeping water is drunk as medicine. In one day we can drink it three times, until the kidney stone is missing.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/04/kidney-stone-herbal-remedy-with-tempuyung/
Kidney stones can cause inflammation, infection, bleeding, pain during urination, or urinating are not current. This small stone that tends to flow to the bladder through the ureter, usually followed by pain for the sufferer. If the stone is too large, then the treatment is necessary. Either with surgery or lithotripsy, which is a procedure that uses shock waves to disintegrate the stones. But the way in great need of cost is not cheap.
Tempuyung as an Alternative therapy
As an alternative to solve the kidney stones can be tried leaves of tempuyung (Sonchus arvensis L), which usually grow around the house. Green leaves are smooth with a little purple, wavy edges, and irregularly toothed. Near the base of the stem, toothed leaves and is located next to the hugging trunks criss cross. Wavy leaves hug the stem is a nutritious destroy kidney stones.Contained in the leaves is quite high potassium content within. The presence of potassium makes the leaves tempuyung kidney stones scattered in the form of calcium carbonate, because the potassium will remove calcium carbonate to join the compound, oxalic, or veins which are constituents of kidney stones. The precipitate was finally dissolved kidney stones and washed out with urine.
Know Tempuyung
- Latin name : Sonchus arvensis L
- Family: Asteraceae (Compositae). There are 4 species found in Southeast Asia, namely S.asper (L) Hill; S.malaianus Miquuel; S.oleraccus S.arvensis L and L.
- Local name:Indonesia: Jombang (Java), lalakina, clay, rayana (Sunda)Other: She Niu tou (Chinese), Lampaka (Philippines), NH (UX) c (us) c (Vietnam)
Nature Chemical and pharmacological Effect: Tempuyung bitter and cold.
Chemical Substances:
Tempuyung laktuserol containing oc-, P-laktuserol, mannitol, inositol, silica, potassium, flavonoids, and taraksasterol.
Total flavonoida content in the leaves tempuyung ranged 0.1 percent. Chemical constituents contained in the leaves tempuyung are compounds that dissolve in water, among which are a group of minerals, carbohydrates and glycosides (luteolin-7-O-glucoside and apigenin-7-O-glucoside). In addition, this plant also contain a small compound coumarin (scopoletin), flavonoida Commons (kaempferol), and aglikon.Flavonoida itself is a group of natural phenolic compounds synthesized by plants.
In early 1966, the antioxidant activity of flavonoida starting studied by the researchers. Besides functioning as antioxidants, flavonoida also acts as antibacterial, antiviral, and antimutagenik, as well as inhibiting the development of several enzymes.
The antioxidant activity of flavonoida has been tested by using peroxide on B-”PIDA. Flavonoida compounds can inhibit the enzyme oxidase and destructive right-su-peroxide activity mainly apigenin, Eri-odictyol, kaempferol, and luteolin.because of im, some plants produce flavonoida, including tempuyung, could be promoted as an antioxidant to control the excess uric acid concentrations (rheumatism / gout) and lower cell activity due to ischemia and superoxide in human tissues To be able to benefit tempuyung, by extracting tempuyung leaves. There are several ways untarred, among extracted with water by way of cooking two or three leaf clusters tempuyung with one liter of water.
Pharmacological securities and Research:
- Study on effect of water extract and alcohol extract of tempuyung leaves to the urine volume of rats in vivo and in vitro dissolution of kidney stones, resulting in the conclusion as follows:
- tempuyung leaves is not clearly have a diuretic effect, but has the power to dissolve kidney stones.
- kidney stones by dissolving power of water extract is better than alcohol extracts (Hardiyatmo Giri, Fak. Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, 1988).
- Before processing, flavonoid fraction ethyl acetate of tempuyung leaf could inhibit the hepatotoxicity of carbontetrakiorida (CCL 4) given in male mice (Atiek Liestyaningsih, Fak. Pharmacy Gadjah Mada University, 1991).
as a Herbal Remedy for Kidney Stone
To use it as a necessary herbal remedy, take five fresh Tempuyung leaves. Once washed, leaves smoked briefly. Leaves are eaten once discharged as a fresh vegetable with rice. In one day we can eat it three times in fresh vegetable.Alternatively, 500 mg tempuyung dried leaves brewed with one glass of drinking water such as making tea. Steeping water is drunk as medicine. In one day we can drink it three times, until the kidney stone is missing.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/04/kidney-stone-herbal-remedy-with-tempuyung/
Pomegranate Antioxidant Herbal
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a plant originating from Iran to the Himalayas region in northern India. Plants belonging to the family Lythraceae has a thick rind, in which there are about 600 seeds. For women, this fruit is very powerful to help you care for skin beauty. While for men, pomegranate juice can help you fight against prostate cancer.
Medical research has found that pomegranate juice effects on adult men strong enough to prevent prostate cancer and delay the negative effects of other diseases that have been diagnosed by a physician. One glass of pomegranate juice every day can help you fight prostate tumor size twice as fast.
Pomegranate contains powerful ingredients fighting cancer, particularly prostate cancer. The reason is, the content of the juice contains many antioxidants. Not only that, according to the research results also showed that pomegranate may help fight tumors.
You can find pomegranate juice in supermarkets nearby. Even so, it would be better if you make yourself at home. You can buy pomegranate usual from the grocery store and make your own juice.
Benefits of pomegranate can be obtained in various ways. You can get it in the form of fruit juice or you can also eat the seeds, syrup, pasta or pomegranate concentrates. For added flavor you can mix it with cherry or apple juice. Although you can add sugar, you should drink without added sugar, because it will reduce the value of the benefits that you should get.
As we know, prostate cancer is a type of cancer that threatens the two men after lung cancer. Therefore, if you care about health, let’s consumption of pomegranate juice from now on!
In addition, pomegranates also contain other polyphenol compounds, namely catechin, and gallocatechin, and compounds such as prodelphinidin anthocyanin, delphinidin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin.
Based on research, white pomegranate rind contains as much as 25-28 percent of leather substance and as much as 30 percent of mucus. At various root bark, stem, and the fruit contains a tonic. At the root of skin there are a variety of alkaloid content like pelletierine, pseudoiso, and methyl-pelletierine.
Besides the already mentioned earlier, the properties of pomegranates to health, among others, may be for diseases such as stomach disorders, heart disorders, cancer, dental care, arthritis, anemia and diabetes.
Medical research has found that pomegranate juice effects on adult men strong enough to prevent prostate cancer and delay the negative effects of other diseases that have been diagnosed by a physician. One glass of pomegranate juice every day can help you fight prostate tumor size twice as fast.
Pomegranate contains powerful ingredients fighting cancer, particularly prostate cancer. The reason is, the content of the juice contains many antioxidants. Not only that, according to the research results also showed that pomegranate may help fight tumors.
You can find pomegranate juice in supermarkets nearby. Even so, it would be better if you make yourself at home. You can buy pomegranate usual from the grocery store and make your own juice.
Benefits of pomegranate can be obtained in various ways. You can get it in the form of fruit juice or you can also eat the seeds, syrup, pasta or pomegranate concentrates. For added flavor you can mix it with cherry or apple juice. Although you can add sugar, you should drink without added sugar, because it will reduce the value of the benefits that you should get.
As we know, prostate cancer is a type of cancer that threatens the two men after lung cancer. Therefore, if you care about health, let’s consumption of pomegranate juice from now on!
Pomegranate Concentrate
This fruit contain antioxidants, antiviral and anti-tumor material. Not only that, Pomegranates seeds are also rich in Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C and E, potassium, other minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, iron, and sodium, and folic acid. Even the content of antioxidants in pomegranate fruit amount three times more than wine or green tea.Pomegranate Antioxidant
The greatest antioxidant content of pomegranate polyphenols are tannins are easily hydrolyzed, called punicalagin. These compounds are absorbed in the body, have antioxidant properties, but not yet proved its usefulness to humans.In addition, pomegranates also contain other polyphenol compounds, namely catechin, and gallocatechin, and compounds such as prodelphinidin anthocyanin, delphinidin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin.
Based on research, white pomegranate rind contains as much as 25-28 percent of leather substance and as much as 30 percent of mucus. At various root bark, stem, and the fruit contains a tonic. At the root of skin there are a variety of alkaloid content like pelletierine, pseudoiso, and methyl-pelletierine.
Pomegranate Health Benefits
Traditionally, pomegranates used to cleanse the skin and reduce inflammation of the skin. Pomegranate juice also can reduce the pain of sore throat. According to a study by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pomegranates are rich in antioxidants can prevent oxidation of LDL or bad cholesterol in the body.Besides the already mentioned earlier, the properties of pomegranates to health, among others, may be for diseases such as stomach disorders, heart disorders, cancer, dental care, arthritis, anemia and diabetes.
How pomegranate works as an herbal
- Other properties of pomegranate juice is to lower systolic blood pressure by inhibiting angiotensin converting enzyme.
- Pomegranate juices are also able to inhibit viral infection, and has antibacterial properties against dental plaque formation.
- Act back together Sodium, potassium regulate the water equilibrium in the body and keep your heart rate to remain normal.
- By maintaining balanced levels of sodium-potassium, this fruit also helps the sensitivity of nerves and muscles to function regularly, prevents edema, and subtracting the concentration of sugar in the blood.
- Pomegranate eliminates fatigue in the muscles and allows moving easily, and also strengthening the heart.
- Flowers of white pomegranate could be used as a medicine for the teeth and gums. Drug ingredient is made by boiling flowers in a couple of glasses of water. This is used to rinse the mouth and then swallowed.
- Pomegranate seed oil effective against proliferation of breast cancer cells in vitro. In 2008, a total of 17 clinical trials conducted to investigate the benefits of pomegranate juice consumption in order to combat the disease – the disease as follows: prostate cancer, diabetes, prostatic hyperplasia, lymphoma, rhinovirus, colds, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.
- Pomegranate – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Pomegranate
- Mertens-Talcott SU, Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Rios J, Hingorani L, Derendorf H (Nov 2006).
- “Absorption, metabolism, and antioxidant effects of pomegranate (Punica granatum l.) polyphenols after ingestion of a standardized extract in healthy human volunteers”. J Agric Food Chem. 54 (23): 8956–61.
- Aviram M, Rosenblat M, Gaitini D, et al (Jun 2004). “Pomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation”. Clin Nutr 23 (3): 423–33.
- Neurath AR, Strick N, Li YY, Debnath AK (2004). “Punica granatum (Pomegranate) juice provides an HIV-1 entry inhibitor and candidate topical microbicide”. BMC Infect. Dis. 4: 41.
- Menezes SM, Cordeiro LN, Viana GS (2006). “Punica granatum (pomegranate) extract is ac.
- the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/04/pomegranate-antioxidant-herbal/
Christusdoorn, the Next Anti Cancer Herbs
Current technology, cancer treatment is usually done with chemo, radiation, and medicines from chemicals. However, in addition to conventional treatment, there are other alternatives that can be done, through herbal treatment using several types of plants that have medicinal properties to treat cancer. The most widely used are white turmeric (Cucrcuma zedoaria) and Rodent tuber (Typhonium Flagelliforme). There is another plant which is recognized by the pharmacologist usefulness as ingredients to treat cancer. Namely, christusdoorn, or being known as asparagus.
Christusdoorn (Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour) Merr). Or in Indonesia, this plant is often called by the name of bamboo tali. This plant is classified in Liliaceae plants. Christusdoorn is a slightly different type of bamboo with bamboo plants in general. As its Latin name , christusdoorn more directed to the asparagus with the characteristics of plants like asparagus.
This plant is widely available in China, Japan, Korea, and the areas in Indochina.
Christusdoorn usually grow up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are green, blade-shaped long, pointed, and smooth. The flowers are white single form. These plants need sufficient light and fine sandy soil. Fruit a small round object shaped and dangerous if eaten.
Efficacious as an anti tumor, Christusdoorn further investigated as a medicament for the possibility of lung cancer. This plant is also capable of killing larvae of flies and mosquitoes. Although, for this is still not much explanation. Part of the plant is often used in the treatment of the dried tubers. Some herbalists are utilizing this plant for the treatment of some diseases, including respiratory, diabetes, difficult defecation, fever, and cancer (breast, spleen, and blood).
Another way is by steam Christusdoorn tubers that has been peeled. Tuber is steamed with yellow arrack. The tuber was steamed three times a day.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/05/christusdoorn-the-next-anti-cancer-herbs/
Christusdoorn (Asparagus cochinchinensis (Lour) Merr). Or in Indonesia, this plant is often called by the name of bamboo tali. This plant is classified in Liliaceae plants. Christusdoorn is a slightly different type of bamboo with bamboo plants in general. As its Latin name , christusdoorn more directed to the asparagus with the characteristics of plants like asparagus.
This plant is widely available in China, Japan, Korea, and the areas in Indochina.
Christusdoorn usually grow up to 1.5 meters high. The leaves are green, blade-shaped long, pointed, and smooth. The flowers are white single form. These plants need sufficient light and fine sandy soil. Fruit a small round object shaped and dangerous if eaten.
Chemical substances of Christusdoorn
From its chemical properties, Christusdoorn / bambu tali containing saponin (aglycone, protosarsapogenin), asparagin, glucose, fructose, and other contents.Benefits of treatment
Normally that is often used in a variety of treatment is part of the tuber. It was sweet, bitter and cold. In Chinese pharmacology, Christusdoorn / bambu tali efficacious to cleanse the lungs, lower the heat of the fire, stimulate the production of body fluids, antitoxic, antineoplastic, and antipyretic.Efficacious as an anti tumor, Christusdoorn further investigated as a medicament for the possibility of lung cancer. This plant is also capable of killing larvae of flies and mosquitoes. Although, for this is still not much explanation. Part of the plant is often used in the treatment of the dried tubers. Some herbalists are utilizing this plant for the treatment of some diseases, including respiratory, diabetes, difficult defecation, fever, and cancer (breast, spleen, and blood).
Examples of herbal ingredients
To cope with respiratory ailments such as cough, coughing up blood, pulmonary tuberculosis, and sore throat, use dried tuber of Christusdoorn (weighing 6-12 grams), are boiled in 1.5 cups water. While warm, drink the water decoction of this plant, twice a day continuously until cured. This method can also be used to overcome difficulties in defecating, diabetes, and fever accompanied by anxiety. To overcome cancer, tuber of Christusdoorn (weighing 20-40 grams) is boiled with water, drink the decoction.Another way is by steam Christusdoorn tubers that has been peeled. Tuber is steamed with yellow arrack. The tuber was steamed three times a day.
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/05/christusdoorn-the-next-anti-cancer-herbs/
Benefit of Eurycoma longifolia Jack (Pasak Bumi) to Treat Liver Cirrhosis
Society had been long enough in Asia, especially Indonesia using roots of Pasak Bumi plant (Eurycoma longifolia), or in Malaysia known as Tongkat Ali as a herbal ingredient to increase male sexual arousal. In addition, people also use the pegs of the earth as a tonic for new mothers who gave birth, treatment of swollen glands, fever, and dysentery.
But the efficacy of this plant is found not only that. A recent study conducted at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), shows that the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack have liver protecting properties from damage. This research was conducted by Princess Double Ruqiah Panjaitan, S3 student of the postgraduate of Biology Faculty of IPB in her research entitled “Pengujian Aktivitas Hepatoprotektor Akar Pasak Bumi”.
In this study, researchers examined the effectiveness of root extracts of pasak bumi/tongkat ali to liver function in rat. In her research, Ruqiah spent 12.5 kilograms pasak bumi roots that have been dried and then grinded into powder. Powder is then extracted with methanol solution of 50 percent. Then, repeatedly partitioned with n-hexane, concentrated by vacuum Rotavapor. The result of this partition is still through several stages of the process again, until the extract was obtained as expected. Indonesian native plant extract was then tested on male Sprague Dawley rats aged 2-3 months. Previously, all rats were given carbon tetrachloride at a dose of 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 milliliters per kilogram.
Results of scientific research shows that Pasak Bumi efficacious in sexual dysfunction, antimalarial, and cytotoxic (cell poisoning). While research of the influence of Pasak Bumi to protect the liver from damage has not been widely applied. Cirrhosis is a continuation of chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis B or C is marked by changes in the anatomy of the liver cells into connective tissue.
Carbon tetrachloride is toxic to the liver and cause necrosis (cell damage) rats. The animals were randomly divided into three groups, each group consisted of three tails. The first group, rats were given distilled water. The second group, rats fed “Silybum marianum.” The third group, rats fed extracts of the roots of the earth peg. Treatment of rats lasted for three months. At the root extract dose of 500 milligrams of the earth pegs per kilogram of body weight did not result in changes in liver enzyme levels, ie, the enzyme “aspartate transaminase, the enzyme” Alanine Aminotransferaz “, and” Alkalenfosfataz “, total protein, total bilirubin, the director and indurek.
Dose of methanol fraction of water of Pasak Bumi root and then raised to 1000 milliliters per kilogram of body weight. At this dose, the Pasak Bumi root extract showed hepatoprotective activity. It is characterized aspartate transaminase enzyme levels and Alanine Aminotransferaz still within the normal range. In addition, description of histopathology (tissue exposed to the disease) was comparable to the granting of silymarin.
Referring to the Wikipedia Eurycoma longifolia has changed from popular for its testosterone-enhancing properties alleged [2]. Tongkat Ali is typically sold as an Herbal Viagra under Various trade names as Via Standard and Poor plus and Long Jack. This is a Drug Used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial It has therefore been Included in Some herbal supplements for bodybuilders. Historically, South East Asia has utilised the herb for its suggested antimalarial [3], antibacterial activity [4], antipyretic, antiulcer, antitumor [5], cytotoxic, and aphrodisiac properties. In an experiment conducted on male rats, it was found eurycoma longifolia That increases the sperm count and plasma testosterone of the rats.
There are dozens of eurycoma herb products available without a Prescription and cans you find in many vitamin stores Them, Some pharmacies, and certainly on the Internet. Tongkat ali extract is sold in Various ratios, with 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, and 1:200 being commonly claimed. Traditionally Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is extracted with water and not ethanol. However, the use of selling Tongkat Ali extract based on extraction ratio and is confusing May be Easily verifiable notes. Thus professionals are now standardizing on their manufacturers extract the active ingredient based on the level, not the ratio of non-verifiable method That is open to abuse. The commonly Used standard / marker is the Glycosaponin content (35-45% glycosaponin in a pure extract) and eurycomanone (> 2%).
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/06/eurycoma-longifolia-jack-pasak-bumi-liver-cirrhosis/
But the efficacy of this plant is found not only that. A recent study conducted at the Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), shows that the roots of Eurycoma longifolia Jack have liver protecting properties from damage. This research was conducted by Princess Double Ruqiah Panjaitan, S3 student of the postgraduate of Biology Faculty of IPB in her research entitled “Pengujian Aktivitas Hepatoprotektor Akar Pasak Bumi”.
In this study, researchers examined the effectiveness of root extracts of pasak bumi/tongkat ali to liver function in rat. In her research, Ruqiah spent 12.5 kilograms pasak bumi roots that have been dried and then grinded into powder. Powder is then extracted with methanol solution of 50 percent. Then, repeatedly partitioned with n-hexane, concentrated by vacuum Rotavapor. The result of this partition is still through several stages of the process again, until the extract was obtained as expected. Indonesian native plant extract was then tested on male Sprague Dawley rats aged 2-3 months. Previously, all rats were given carbon tetrachloride at a dose of 0.1, 1.0 and 10.0 milliliters per kilogram.
Results of scientific research shows that Pasak Bumi efficacious in sexual dysfunction, antimalarial, and cytotoxic (cell poisoning). While research of the influence of Pasak Bumi to protect the liver from damage has not been widely applied. Cirrhosis is a continuation of chronic liver disease, such as hepatitis B or C is marked by changes in the anatomy of the liver cells into connective tissue.
Carbon tetrachloride is toxic to the liver and cause necrosis (cell damage) rats. The animals were randomly divided into three groups, each group consisted of three tails. The first group, rats were given distilled water. The second group, rats fed “Silybum marianum.” The third group, rats fed extracts of the roots of the earth peg. Treatment of rats lasted for three months. At the root extract dose of 500 milligrams of the earth pegs per kilogram of body weight did not result in changes in liver enzyme levels, ie, the enzyme “aspartate transaminase, the enzyme” Alanine Aminotransferaz “, and” Alkalenfosfataz “, total protein, total bilirubin, the director and indurek.
Dose of methanol fraction of water of Pasak Bumi root and then raised to 1000 milliliters per kilogram of body weight. At this dose, the Pasak Bumi root extract showed hepatoprotective activity. It is characterized aspartate transaminase enzyme levels and Alanine Aminotransferaz still within the normal range. In addition, description of histopathology (tissue exposed to the disease) was comparable to the granting of silymarin.
About Pasak Bumi
Pasak bumi or tongkat ali (scientific name: Eurycoma longifolia) is a type of tree found in the forests of Malaysia and Indonesia.Referring to the Wikipedia Eurycoma longifolia has changed from popular for its testosterone-enhancing properties alleged [2]. Tongkat Ali is typically sold as an Herbal Viagra under Various trade names as Via Standard and Poor plus and Long Jack. This is a Drug Used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial It has therefore been Included in Some herbal supplements for bodybuilders. Historically, South East Asia has utilised the herb for its suggested antimalarial [3], antibacterial activity [4], antipyretic, antiulcer, antitumor [5], cytotoxic, and aphrodisiac properties. In an experiment conducted on male rats, it was found eurycoma longifolia That increases the sperm count and plasma testosterone of the rats.
Common names
Tongkat ali, penawar pahit, penawar bias, bedara merah, bedara putih, lempedu pahit, payong ali, tongkat baginda, muntah bumi, petala bumi (Malay); pasak bumi, bidara laut (Indonesian); babi kurus (Javanese); cay ba binh (Viet Namese); hae phan chan, plaalai phuenk, phiak (Thai); tho nan (Laos).Used Parts
Root, root bark, leavesMajor uses
It is an anti-malarial, anti-histaminic, anti-pyretic and tonic. Also useful for fever, medication after birth, boils, wounds, ulcers, syphilis and bleeding Gums.What are the active chemical substance of tongkat ali
Some of the substances in the bark include quassinoids, squalene derivative, biphenylneolignans, tirucallane-type triterpenes, canthine, 6-1, and beta-carboline alkaloids. Additional substances include eurycomanone, longilactone, 14.15-dihydroxyklaineanone beta, 15beta-acetyl-14-hydroxyklaineanone, 6alpha-hydroxyeurycomalactone, eurycomaoside, and eurycomalactone. Eurycomanone is a bioactive quassinoid. Beta-carboline alkaloids are present in the root Also.Efficacy of treatment
It is an anti-malarial, anti-histaminic, anti-pyretic and tonic. Also useful for fever, medication after birth, boils, wounds, ulcers, syphilis and bleeding Gums. This herb is Used in the United States mainly for its aphrodisiac Properties.There are dozens of eurycoma herb products available without a Prescription and cans you find in many vitamin stores Them, Some pharmacies, and certainly on the Internet. Tongkat ali extract is sold in Various ratios, with 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, and 1:200 being commonly claimed. Traditionally Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi is extracted with water and not ethanol. However, the use of selling Tongkat Ali extract based on extraction ratio and is confusing May be Easily verifiable notes. Thus professionals are now standardizing on their manufacturers extract the active ingredient based on the level, not the ratio of non-verifiable method That is open to abuse. The commonly Used standard / marker is the Glycosaponin content (35-45% glycosaponin in a pure extract) and eurycomanone (> 2%).
the t o : http://herbal.medicalonlinemedia.com/2010/06/eurycoma-longifolia-jack-pasak-bumi-liver-cirrhosis/
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