Saturday, July 31, 2010

Biennial Herbs – What are Biennial Herbs ?

Most flowering herbs are biennial, which needs two growing seasons to complete one life cycle. The status of a plant; whether Annual, Perennial or Biennial often varied based on their location and purpose. Most gardeners believe in this. Examples of biennial herbs are Sweet William Dwarf plant, Lunaria, Colic weed, Sweet William, Silverbeet etc.
Growth of Biennial Herbs
  • During the first growing season, the herb grows all its vegetative structures like the roots, stems and leaves. In case of unfavorable conditions, it enters dormancy until the favorable condition arrives.
  • In these plants, the stem are usually very short with leaves forming a rosette near the ground.
  • Before the flower blooms, most of the biennial herbs would need a cold treatment (vernalization).
  • During the later stages of the unfavorable season, the stems bolt or elongate greatly. Following the bolting of the stem, the flower blooms, fruits are produced and seeds are formed before the plant dies.
  • The number of biennials are much less compared to the annuals or perennials.
  • During extreme climatic conditions, a few biennial herbs have been observed to complete their life cycle within a very short time period ranging upto 3-4 months in place of 2 years. Most vegetable and flower bearing plants have been found to show such kind of growth under extreme conditions.
Cultivation of Biennial plants
  • The biennials which are grown for seeds, fruits and flowers are required to be grown for 2 years.
  • The biennials grown for their edible roots, leaves are often grown annually. These include – cabbage, beets, parsley, celery, Brussels sprouts, lettuce and Swiss chard.
  • A few biennials need extremely harsh conditions for their growth and so they are grown annually as they fail to survive under extreme unfavorable conditions. Example a herb which grows in extreme high temperatures would definitely die in extreme low temperatures.
  • True biennials have the capability of flowering only once in one life cycle.

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